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If you could ride like a pro…


If you could ride like a pro who would it be? I think mine would be Jake Blauvelt or Nico Muller. As much as a like Travis Rice, those 2 make snowboarding look fun while having sick style shredding pow and hitting natural features.


Halldor just pips torstein for me.


Jibbing, rails etc: Halldor… Park: Torstein… Backcountry: Devun


I’d be happy for it to be any of them!!!!!

cabletieperformance - 01 June 2011 01:41 AM

Jibbing, rails etc: Halldor… Park: Torstein… Backcountry: Devun

spoken like a true DC fanboy raspberry


yeah today it would be halldor, tomorrow it could be anyone of about 10 diff riders. lol

finney - 01 June 2011 03:52 AM
cabletieperformance - 01 June 2011 01:41 AM

Jibbing, rails etc: Halldor… Park: Torstein… Backcountry: Devun

spoken like a true DC fanboy raspberry

what can i say they have weapon riders!! except for Halldor he is a weapon on his own brand… DC would be punching themselves in the nuts after losing him


Travis Parker. No question.

Enn Zed - 02 June 2011 12:22 AM

Travis Parker. No question.

Another Vote for Travis here too!!!!! The guy just has FUN, and that’s what it’s all about!!!!!


I think Treje or Muller.

Park stuff probably Torstein, as his style is rad. Maybe not as smooth as Halldor but looks the most fun


He’s not my absolute favourite rider but if I was going to be any rider I think I would be Seb Toots

So young, and he’s always at the top of the TTR ladder recently. Good future for him I reckon.


Craig Kelly


JP Walker here…


If you asked me a few years ago I would have said David Benedek. That guy was just an unbelievable all-round rider. I’m such a fan of Torstein these days, I’d be stoked if I had a slither of his skills.


For just messin around and resort cruisin, I’d be stoked to ride like Scott Stevens, just butter and hit runs all day


David Benedek, super solid shout that one….i see no mention of shaun white?