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Poll: See opening post.
Total Votes: 18

<quote>I didn’t quite understand this bit,

Existentialism is not an ability cows have (as fas as we humans know) so if choosing cow I may be stuck as cow for the rest of eternity. Which might not be so bad.

Is this to do with the buddhist cycle of rebirth or have i missed something? I guess if I was a thinking bovine i’d take buddhism over burgers everytime!</quote>

Along the lines of the initial question of; “...your about to be reborn…. What would you choose?” < I assume that it’s a continues cycle, that at each rebirth we are offered the choice and as a cow the ability to think about existence as a human isn’t possible, so would just choose cow each time.

If assuming our soul (after living a cows life) can consider the benefit of being human… I would give cow a try. Otherwise I would choose Human.

Take away the buddust cycle of re-birth and assume the re-birth is one off - I choose Human. I do not believe cows feel love, contemplate existence etc to the same level humans do.

Cows lay/sit down to keep their belly warm and dry due to the weather. - observation of this behaviour has led to this belief. They sleep standing up.

Aidy - 19 May 2011 01:03 AM

mizu, you seriously don’t want to be a cow eh!  Even though it’s such a serene life…..

We only think that it a serene life!!!!!

Just like we think that a bird in a cage loves every minute of it’s existence also!!!!! Until ya leave the door open and the little prisoner gets the hell outta there!!!!!

We only think that cows have a great life, cause we can’t ask em if they do or don’t either way!!!!!

We think that fish don’t feel pain cause they don’t yelp when we catch em!!!!! We don’t think that insects have feelings cause they look like they couldn’t!!!!

However I am pretty sure that every living creature feels pain and angst just the same as we do!!!!! And to be stuck in a paddock and be milked at set times as per the Human requirements, to be separated from your young at any given time, to be allowed to breed by a time schedule at another creatures whim, and then to be executed whenever you fail to deliver the goods that are required of you!!!!!

Yeah, give me the life of a Human any day!!!!!


Those things kinda happen to people too Mizu.

Maybe not the milking, but we go to work at set times as per the requirements of a higher power.
We are stuck in “paddocks” - remember school?
Are often executed for any given reason those in power decide.
IVF sets breeding via time schedules - and work commitments/kids do the same, let alone a woman’s cycle.
Separated from our young at any given time - this does happen. < oh yeah! nice one Mizu!! ouch!!!

If they feel the “same” as us - why don’t cows hang banners of the Harbour bridge? I’ve never seen a cow kill another cow out of passion. The process of feeling pain might be the same in all things living but the way it’s dealt with by humans is unique.

Don’t live in too much denial, we may already be cows even though we believe we a human - we aren’t as free as we have convinced ourself we are. It’s just our ability to believe we live outside the matrix when we actually power it.


Kinda, often???? Not “always” spaz!!!!!

A cows life is confined to the paddock 100% of their lives!!!!!!

There are other animals that kill their own, for territorial, breeding rights, food etc etc, just like humans do!!!!!

I didn’t mean for the separated from young comment to get ya!!!!! Sorry spaz!!!! But dude, you know how that feels personally yet we as Humans do it to other animals on a regular basis, and for our on pleasure/needs!!!! Are we worried about the dog that has only given birth to her pups 6 weeks ago, when we pick up our cute little puppy that keeps us amused???? Are we worried about the angst that the separated puppy feels when we part it from it’s mother and siblings????
No, we just say to ourselves that it’s only a dog, it’ll get over it!!!! How do we know???? We can’t get into the mind of a dog!!!!! Hell we can’t even get into the minds of our own species!!!!

Humans have got a far greater control over their destiny than a cow, and for that reason, I say Moo to you!!!!!! I will keep the Human option!!!!!  cool smile



Enjoyment:  Cows are generally content, human’s can have crazy good times :win for humans
Pain + Suffering: generally the simpler the animal the less intense it’s sensations of pain.  In terms of none physical suffering, humans are killing it on the variety and intensity of suffering they can achieve : win for cows

Benifits of self awareness:  You can enjoy interesting conversations and look forward to things and take comfort from things secured (a sweet mrs or house with managable morgage payments. funny as drinking buddies), only humans have this to much of an extent: win for humans

Cost of self awareness: If you’re in a shit spot and you can’t do much about it, that info is an ever present burden.  Think someone whos been trafficed into the sex trade (if you do think about it it’s so harsh you’ve really got to stop thinking about it!) : win for cows

In the end I agree with Riders analysis ‘Best case scenario for human is better than best case scenario for cow. I’m taking the gamble…’ except i’d probably go the other way and pick cow.  Just think if your gamble went bad!!!

I think it’s easy to think picking human = the life you’re living now.  Most of us are living western lives in some of the most modern and prosperous countries in the world, hardly the most representative…...I wonder what the result of this poll would be if conducted in africa?


Sex Slave Industry = Cattle Industry!!!! Same principles!!!!

We feel more pain and suffering than cows feel??? How do we know??? Simple answer is that we don’t!!!!! And we will probably never know!!!!!

Some people in Africa live quite happy healthy lives!!!!! Some people that live in areas that have no modern technologies actually live very long and happy lives!!!!!

Has anyone mentioned that the life span of a Dairy Cow is 7-10 years????  cool hmm


would be the best 7-10 years i have ever had. just eaiting grass and shiting everywhere. not to metnion getting pulled off every few days haha(ok ok i know its a different “teet” so to speak but i wanted to throw that joke in there) living the dream!

do cow years go like dog years?

if thats the case most cows might have an average lifespan longer than humans…


Most cows live in unconfined 1,000,000 hectare paddocks don’t they?
Beef cattle (In 2003); of the 34 million beef cattle in Australia 9 million were slaughtered. And around 900,000 are kept at feed lots.
Calf stays with cow until 8 months old. The inferior bulls are castrated a fed up while the other bulls live the most opportune life imaginable!
Heifers stay healthy until 7-9 years old.

95% of humans are poverty stricken. 5% live the opportune life. Thats us! with bank accounts whether or not we have money in it.

Dairy cows (the worst off apparently) 3 million - they have healthier lives than most pets. How many times did the dog see a vet through pregnancy? dairy cows get better maternal care than people! It seems it is human thing to take the young from a parent as Dairy cows have their calf taking within minuets of birth - dairy calfs are considered a waste product of the dairy industry.

A cows lifespan is about 20 years. It is ended by us before they begin to get old and suffer.

They have nutritionists adjusting their diet and their health is at a premium compared to any other animal including people.

Australian Cows ARE they most well cared for animal in the world. Mostly because we exercise selective breeding and strick health checks but mostly because we end their lives before they’re over the hill.

I choose to be a bull in the beef industry. (because given my genetic superiority as a human it would certainly cary over to being a bull)


the defence rests… haha


This thread has some deep thinking and conversation! Who would have thought from the title tongue laugh

Mizu Kuma - 19 May 2011 04:07 AM
Aidy - 19 May 2011 01:03 AM

mizu, you seriously don’t want to be a cow eh!  Even though it’s such a serene life…..


We think that fish don’t feel pain cause they don’t yelp when we catch em!!!!! We don’t think that insects have feelings cause they look like they couldn’t!!!!


I think there is a little more to it then ’ they look like they couldn’t’ ...insects don’t have the same nervous system as mammals and as such they don’t the ability to feel the same pain. yes they respond to stimuli in a way that looks like pain to us….basically the same thing you are saying but the other way round ‘they look like they feel pain so they must be feeling pain’ but even Amoeba which have no pain sensors/nerves etc react by retreating from a sharp object when pocked, yet they have not sensory systems to feel pain….....The bullshit artist has spoken MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO….


The bullshit artist has spoken MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Mizu Kuma - 17 May 2011 11:30 PM


I’m a shit snowboarder but I can still ride better than a Cow!!!!

How’s that Logic?????

I vote Cow!!!

These days the chance of becoming a pro rider (even starting from a young age) are very slim. People are triple corking and double Mctwisting it’s pretty damn hard to compete with that.

BUT… how many Cows have you seen snowboard?? All I would have to do is a simple 50 50 or a straight air, next day it’s viral on youtube and BOOM I’m sponsored :D

spaz - 18 May 2011 10:13 PM

Of course I’ll think too deeply on this; (and if I had decent internet would look up stats)

But as a human, life is difficult. 95% of us live in poverty - the chances of being born in the 5% is only 5%. Not good odds

Cow reason 2:

Okay I’ve done the homework

As a human you have only 5% chance of living above the poverty line

But as a Cow… There are 1.3 Billion cows estimated in the world and 200 million are in India.
You have 15.3% Chance of being worshipped as a GOD!!!

The smart money is on the Cows smile


everyone is slowly coming around to the dark side…