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Warning-Grim….. but makes you think.


Was this story widely publicised in Australia,

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I’m not trying to ruin everyone’s day I just thought it highlights a trick moral conundrum.  Is the proposed punishment just and if not why and what would be a more appropraite one?

Personally I just don’t know….


Yeah Aidy, it’s a tough one for sure. I saw this in the news the other day and to be honest I didn’t know what to think. I can understand why people are opposed to the punishment, but at the same time, is it not fair he suffers a similar fate to his victim? Who’s to say jail time is a fairer option?

This man has ruined the life of a young girl, just because she didn’t want to marry him. His actions were cold, brutal, merciless, and just plain evil. Is 10 years in jail fair? I don’t think so. She will be traumatised for the rest of her life. A part of me thinks he should get acid in the face, and not only that, but they should make sure it’s even worse for him. No one wins in this situation, but I tend to agree with the victim; it’s not about revenge but it damn sure sends a message to any other arrogant pigs out there who think they can treat women like this and get away with it. Poor girl…


^^^^^^ Well said!!!!!

The perpetrator never shows compassion for the victim, whilst they inflict such cruel acts upon them!!!!!

Why anyone should feel pity for these people is beyond me!!!!!


Do you think society would change if the courts handed down punishments like this for every crime of this type?

Murder = Death via same means

Maiming = to be maimed same way back

Rape = raped (with a machine?) big surprise


there are many,many times i strongly dont agree with sharia law.

this is not one of those times.


I think if justice took an eye for an eye approach vigilantism would be rife!  I think society would be worse for that.  Having said that I still don’t have a clue about this particular case!


we need a batman-like hero.

i will email James Murdoch and see if he will take up the role…



Super James to the rescue !!!!!!!!


Ahhh yes!!!!! “Son of Rupert”!!!!!