The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive

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Most Loved or Hated Commercials


Most commercials are blah, but then there are the ones you love, or are so bad they deserve an award.
Mostly I was looking for a reason to post this



Nice one Mizu! I think that’s the most Pirate’s Gold I’ve ever seen in a commercial cool grin


I don’t think you would get this ad in Australia but we get it (or parts of it) here. My friend Adam is an advertising creative working in LA and told me about this ad when he was visiting us in Whistler. He thought it was brilliant and it was apparently one of the best ads during the Superbowl. Anyway, I’ve seen it a few times now and I think it’s a very well made ad with a powerful message for Chrysler. Check it out…




I loved that ad TJ!!!!!



Sounds like Atreyu in the background Mizu…

This one is a good beer one as well.


I love this one…...

And the shittest one eva!!!!!!!!!!!


I know that you’ve all seen it before, but it cracks me up when I watch it still!!!!!

This one is pretty cool too!!!!! Focus on the T-Shirt!!!!


Gotta love those CD ads..

Also, this following commercial taught most of my med-school class CPR smile