The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Your apologies are wearin thin!!!!
I have a good one
rejyem dues ot eb na zanigma itletl efriug takrse hwo reow tryept niesqdeu nda pnadxes ufotsit nad denadc hiwt ihs risets.
Try that one. I know once you get it’ll make you laugh harder than ever before.
This is bullshit…
Fine I’l play by the rules, here is my guess for Mizu
concluding the (something) conundrum was difficult to decipher first.
I am working on the other word.
Hahaha you should hear Michelle whinging on the couch…
“He used big words!” - Michelle Holmes.
It can be rather perplexing, Michelle!!!!! Oh damn I gave it away!!!!!
Next sentence!!!!!
yes please
This one????
rejyem dues ot eb na zanigma itletl efriug takrse hwo reow tryept niesqdeu nda pnadxes ufotsit nad denadc hiwt ihs risets.
yes that one
jeremy used to be an amazing little figure skater who wore pretty sequined and spandex outfits and danced with his sister.
hahahhahahahahahaahhahhahahahahahaahaha!!!!! Blades of Glory!!!!!
(Mrs Mizu helped me with this one!!!!! Mainly because I have never had any experience with sequins and spandex myself!!!!! <Mrs Mizu told me to say that!!!!)
Photos to come.