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~ The POLITICS Of It ~


No but I definitely think corruption can be limited. Those who abuse their power should be dealt with more harshly. We need those in power to know that corruption will not be accepted by the public, especially those sworn to protect and serve honourably. We need to make an example out of them, we need to be more selective with giving power to questionable characters, and we need to be careful in regards to what powers we give to those ‘leading/protecting/serving’ our communities.


Rider, they are all corrupt if in no other way than having corrupt principles or none at all.  The major parties are all exactly the same, none of them are actually any different in reality, they are all like blades of grass bowing in the direction of the winds of political correctness and what they deem to be popular public sentiment.  Unfortunately it seems that vocal minorities fuel this wind more than any other and tend to have their wishes granted over and above the majority.

There is so much wrong with the system it isn’t even funny, my biggest gripe being that govt is so large and unwieldy it’s like a great money vacuum that needs more and more cash to get less and less achieved.


I have a book in front of me ‘the myth of the rational voter’ by Bryan Caplan.  I’m yet to read it and it’s probably only about 5-6th in line.  However the main premise is what people say they want (and vote for) is not the same as what’s good for them.  For example (and this is off the top of my head, i’ll have loads of way better examples after i’ve read the above book): In england we’d still have hanging i’m pretty sure and we’d have a total ban on all immigration.  The second would be crazyness for sure!!

It is said that power corrupts, but actually it’s more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power.
David Brin (1950 - )


Its funny how it seems / feels like its the minority that are the groups steering the government, but in our democracy the majority should be the group controlling the government.

So do you think the punishment for corruption should be jail? or are there more appropriate ways to punish?


stocks and rotten tomatoes would be my choice.

rider26 - 11 May 2011 07:19 PM

He had a hidden agenda to win votes from the Greens.

This is exactly the same reason why we are facing the Carbon Tax, that was “never” going to be brought in to play!!!!

And hence the “deal” with the Greens, is the only reason why Julia Gillard (read Bob Brown) is runnin the Circus atm!!!!!