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Literature-anyone a fan?

Poll: How would you rate your interest in literature?
Total Votes: 18
pushkin, dumas and steinbeck are like brothers to me. (10)
I wish i was more like huckleberry finn, what a dude. (8)
I’ve read the hobbit (6)
Does harry potter count? (4)
Transworld? (2)
I’m surprised i’m bothering to read this now! (0)

I have not read to much as of lately I think the last actual novel I read was “The Alchemist” but I am currently reading “Within the Frame” by David duChemin it is a good read so far and is design for photographers that know how to use there camera but help you see what you want to see when your traveling or just out to catch some good photos.

Gamblor - 11 May 2011 12:45 AM

i didn’t like the brothers karamazov. I really liked ‘the idiot’ though.

I liked ‘war & peace’ too.
Moby Dick sucks. You just need to read the last page or 2 at the end of each chapter to follow the story.

I bought a copy of war and peace about 18 months ago, it’s just too scary so i haven’t started it yet!  I’m surprised you liked the idiot but not the brother karamazov but fair enough I guess their structure is quite different.  I thought your tip on moby dick was genius i’ll definately remember that one!

spaz, I think your method of discussion sounds like the best.  I don’t know anything about the official method but if it doesn’t involve late nights and doobies/beer then i’m not sure I need too.  Regarding Nietzsche, I must confess that I’ve only read a short introduction to…I understand that his views are often taken out of context or unreasonably embellished.  The glass bead game by hermann hesse is a good read on a similar theme and also of itself.  Personally speaking i’m a big fan of taoism.

Amusing Quotes:

There is also a self help book ‘Learn To Remember’ that I keep forgetting to read.

Spaz:  ...starting a philosophy thread would be cool.
Mizu: But I haven’t read any Harry Potter!!!!


Some people on this thread have sited stephen hawkings ‘a brief history of time’ as amoungst their favourite reads.  A quick recommendation for fans of that title is a book I’m reading at the moment, The fabric of the cosmos by Brian Greene.  It’s easy to read, avoids mathematical details instead focusing on concepts.  Anyways he’s not my uncle or something I just thought i’d share something good I’d found.

Aidy - 05 June 2011 08:49 PM

Some people on this thread have sited stephen hawkings ‘a brief history of time’ as amoungst their favourite reads.  A quick recommendation for fans of that title is a book I’m reading at the moment, The fabric of the cosmos by Brian Greene.  It’s easy to read, avoids mathematical details instead focusing on concepts.  Anyways he’s not my uncle or something I just thought i’d share something good I’d found.



just got a new package from (gotta love cheap as sh!t prices and free shipping) of;

- The god delusion - Richard Dawkins
- crime and punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
- Outlaws Inc, flying with the worlds most dangerous smugglers - matt potter
- Diary of the last living slut: born in iran, bred backstage - Roxana Shurayi (for the missus, not my thing)

got something to do at night now instead of play xbox


Biggles and Hardy Boys, what classics!

Alexandre Dumas = excellent - Count of Monte Cristo & Three Musketeers whoo!
James Clavell - Shogun, Gaijin
Tom Clancy - All his books currently adorning my shelves
Raymond E. Feist - Magician -  excellent fantasy books..
Sun Tzu - The Art of Warfare

Haha, random collection to start with…


The Tao of the WU- the rza
Art of war- sun tzu
Shadow Warrior- David Everret
the regiment- Micheal Asher
My Story- Schapelle Corby
The Damaged Done- warren fellows, i read this one whilst in thailand scarred the shit out of me.


I’m in the middle of rereading ender’s game by orson scott card….it’s still epic.  Anyone a fan?


Michael Crichton all the way not the messed up failure movies but the books!