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I recently made the upgrade to the iphone. I heard a lot about the apps but haven’t found any that are good. What’s apps do you use and are there any you could suggest?
Not that i have an iphone (yet)
But i hear the skype app is super good (free calls)
Weather apps are pretty sweet too… Checking tides for surf, snow report ect
Im sure you can find some sweet ones!
Urban spoon is good from what I understand.
Facebook, Skype, Chess (good for boring moments), Google Earth, Handy Level, Flight Control (game), Stick Wars, Touchgrind (skateeboarding game), To do list..
Some of my fav Apps would be:
iTrailMap 3D
My Football
Glad you saw the light and picked up an iPhone man!
What does remote do?
I forgot eBay… that’s a good one too.
Remote allows you to use the iPhone as a remote for iTunes on your computer, browse your catalogue ect ect
Pretty sweet app.
Forgot Touchgrind also that is a sweet little time waster, also throw in Metro Sydney to the list! All your Bus, Ferry and Train timetables at the touch of a button..erm.. screen!
I know there is a Melbourne one to, not sure about any other cities.
i would go as far as to say shazam has changed my life