The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


To the extreme!


I’m a self-confessed adrenalin junkie. Skydiving was probably the purest rush I’ve ever had. I did a 50 second freefall from 14,000 feet during an electrical storm - it was nuts!

Up there would have to be the aerobatic flying lesson I took last year. I got to fly the plane through a series of aerobatic maneuvers and we experienced 4Gs. We took the plane through barrel rolls, cork screws, stalls, stalls into corkscrews, loops etc. The craziest was the stall to vertical corkscrew. So much fun! I actually have the whole flight filmed on GoPro (mounted to the windscreen) but I haven’t had the chance to edit it yet.

In December I went freediving with sharks at ‘Shark Alley’ off Grand Bahama in the Bahamas. We didn’t do this as part of an organised tour, just did it on our own.

Most recently, this season would have to be the ‘Goal Posts at Waterfall’ 40ft cliff I dropped in February. Granted I didn’t land it but if we’re talking adrenalin, it was pumping at full speed. Here’s the video (it’s bigger than it looks haha)...


Thats a big drop Jez !!!!!

Did you end up landing it?


No, I bombed out. I wasn’t ready for the sensation of dropping blind from 40ft and I lost my body position mid drop. It was the biggest drop I have ever taken by about 10 to 15 feet. Unfortunately I didn’t get a chance this season for round two, but I look forward to that day.

You can see where I took off from and landed here…


I would be way to scared to sky dive!!!

I will do something tame like parasailing though, that’s in the diary for our wedding trip away!


My friends have done that drop, said its so fun once you stick it!

I have been skydiving, i am shit scared of heights but that doesnt even come into skydiving. that feeling the second you leave the plane is the single biggest rush i have ever experienced! Was going to get my licence but the cost is a lil prohibitive considering i have many other passions which all cost money(snowboarding being the main one!)

On the topic of rally driving, i got my dad for his bday a rally experience at…somewhere i can remember the name. BUt he got to fang around a track in a fully worked STI and EVO for a day. he loved it, he originally wanted to do the v8 supercars thing but i convinced him rallying would be a thousand times funner.

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Awesome pic deano!!!!


the jump came with s dvd plus a wholoe lot of screen grabs.

worst part about the jump was the fact i got home about 2 hours before i had to jump after a solid 12 or so hours of drinking to excess. was fine until i started rotating after the shute was opened. nearly spewed a couple of times haha

definately reccomend it to everyone


Stupidest thing ive done is drive my car at 11pm through a blizzard from Jindy to Perisher without chains.

Here are the wheels I did it on as well…

Otherwise, Wakeboarding, Snowboarding, Surfing, Mtn Biking, Go Karts, Paintball… nothing too extreme


LOL tj would chains even fit in the wheel well! We cant take the commy up to the snow because we cant fit chains to it!


that requires balls! especially at night!


Yea chains fit fine… Did it about 10 times for the season.

That night I drove, I could barely see 10m in front of me.

I got stuck as soon as I went into the car park and couldn’t move. I ended up leaving it there and walking to work (I was night watchman at Perisher Manor on Mondays for about 6 weeks). When I left in the morning, the plows had gone all around the car and I had to dig it out with a shovel!


whats season was this? i had a mate work the bar there not last season but the season before

deanobruce - 02 May 2011 06:46 AM

whats season was this? i had a mate work the bar there not last season but the season before

Yea that was the year, 2009.

I was also a waiter the nights I wasn’t night watchman. I remember the guys that were bartenders… I rode with them one night and they were pretty good. We were having shots then going down FV lol.


Man Dunnydoors don’t like snow!!

In 1998 I lived in Smiggs, we went to Thredbo for a night out (sick of 12am closing times) and it puked while we were there - I was the designated driver. At 3am we tried to drive, no chains, workmates VL. I did fine until trying to negotiate the roundabout!!! Didn’t hit anything. The owner (who was trashed) and the 2 other guys were to pissed to manage running in the snow to keep the rear end of the car pointing the right way.
So,  The owner of VL drove, I ran behind car and when traction went awol kept the rear end behind the front wheels physically. Once on the Alpine way all was fine - plows had been through.

Another time: ‘99 I think a chick we knew had to be heli’d to hospital and I drove her car back to Sydney. It was a blizzard, no chains, had to dig the car out and drive through the storm, snow on road to Jindy. It wasn’t a problem it was front wheel drive - easy as (just went nice and slow and no breaking)

tjswish - 02 May 2011 03:11 PM
deanobruce - 02 May 2011 06:46 AM

whats season was this? i had a mate work the bar there not last season but the season before

Yea that was the year, 2009.

I was also a waiter the nights I wasn’t night watchman. I remember the guys that were bartenders… I rode with them one night and they were pretty good. We were having shots then going down FV lol.

my mate was jared, if that rings a bell.  we would ride all day until he started at 3, we would do shit loads of shots then go riding. made the day more fun haha