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clean out the spark plugs in your engine brains and give me your best ‘would you rathers’ that we can use in the Girls Only section….. yes family goodness people
here i’ll start….. Would you rather have wrapping paper for clothes so every time you wanted to get changed you just opened the tape and reveled a new print…….like it’s a boy, maybe some days you’re in a floral print and other days it’s balloons OR would you rather always have a solid night sleep in a room that smelt like paint?
Why, may i ask?
also does anyone know which part of your brain is the funny, alternative bit. ....ha frontal lobe? now thats a funny word…...right or left quartile? yeah see i don’t know??
i found the message a little confusing but i did kinda dig the flow of it. i have a slightly less funny question but one that i’d probably answer differently now then say 5 years ago. would you prefer a life without highs or lows or is it all about the rollercoaster? for my part i’d take a life with no lows even if it meant cutting out the ecstatic highs, we have a word for people like me i guess….old
I could not give up the high of a powder day….....i’ll take the rollercoaster. and you’re not old you are worldly.
Guys always ask the age old question would you rather be with an ugly woman for the rest of your life that treated you well or a beautiful woman that treated you horribly.
That question can be turned around and embellished in any way.
I will try to think of others..
You are asking for ideas on other questions that can be posed to the ladies, right?
for my part i’d take a life with no lows even if it meant cutting out the ecstatic highs, we have a word for people like me i guess….old
I`m old and I have realized the value of highs and lows….I`ll take the good with the bad…You really don`t know what good is unless you`ve experienced the bad…Then you don`t take things for granted…as you would if everyday`s emotions were the same..
Life IS a rollercoaster..Raise your hands and make the best of it
for my part i’d take a life with no lows even if it meant cutting out the ecstatic highs, we have a word for people like me i guess….old
I`m old and I have realized the value of highs and lows….I`ll take the good with the bad…You really don`t know what good is unless you`ve experienced the bad…Then you don`t take things for granted…as you would if everyday`s emotions were the same..
Life IS a rollercoaster..Raise your hands and make the best of it
Every high is valued based on the depth of the previous low.
Guys always ask the age old question would you rather be with an ugly woman for the rest of your life that treated you well or a beautiful woman that treated you horribly.
That question can be turned around and embellished in any way.I will try to think of others..
You are asking for ideas on other questions that can be posed to the ladies, right?
correct….and thankyou. i like the way your thinking. embellished version; would you rather have a large wart on your chin that grew 5 long black hairs every year that was perfect OR would you rather be Scarlett Johansen and with every horrible year you didn’t age?
Guys always ask the age old question would you rather be with an ugly woman for the rest of your life that treated you well or a beautiful woman that treated you horribly.
That question can be turned around and embellished in any way.I will try to think of others..
You are asking for ideas on other questions that can be posed to the ladies, right?
correct….and thankyou. i like the way your thinking. embellished version; would you rather have a large wart on your chin that grew 5 long black hairs every year that was perfect OR would you rather be Scarlett Johansen and with every horrible year you didn’t age?
Wow, now, I think you’re the creative one after that!
i don’t entirely know the answer to the above question but its a nice one to ponder, well not so much the bit about the wart but…..
in regard to the other posts, has anyone ever looked into taoism? I think my preference for the calm life over the rollercoaster came about in part from reading about taoism. Although on the other hand, i did learn to do switch ups on the up gap down box at the hill yesterday and was stoked!!!
in regard to the other posts, has anyone ever looked into taoism? I think my preference for the calm life over the rollercoaster came about in part from reading about taoism. !
as a Buddhist I can say you are on the right track…but the track of the rollercoaster is also a big part of Life…How can you test and hone your beliefs if nothing ever changes?
interesting point dave, i guess life is always throwing new things at you, especially early life. If you are going to try and have some principles or method, system, philosophy, call it what you like then how much of life do you have to experience till you can start applying it? I read a little book called the suffering of the world by arthur schopenhauer, if you’re into thinking about life rather than just experiencing it like the weather (nowt wrong with that mind) then its a very interesting and pretty quick read.
The Tao of Pooh is probably the easiest read…Everyone loves Pooh Bear
a very good book is also Awakening the Buddha Within…Lama Surya Das
I notice that Schopehnauer has a fair bit of stuff on Utube that I will be watching sometime…Thanks Aidy
thanks for the recommendation dave, will keep my eyes peeled for the tao of pooh, i’m intriqued by your mention of schopenhauer on Utube, surely not!