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Oz Snow Adventures special rates for the Shred 2011


i’m firming as a participant

i will need

a) parking spot
b) floor
c) couch
d) bed

so i am a maybe to fill a space if it is needed to be filled, if someone pulls out
if anyone can get me cheap or free Mudbo Tickets i will change firming to confirmed wink


Hi guys, I am definitely coming down. I don’t care where I stay really as long as there is a bed and a shower, Breakfast would be a bonus.

Friday 16 and Saturday 17

I will need:
a) parking spot
b) bed
c) shower

I transferred $135 to Spaz last week, so I guess that was for accommodation at the Shed.

It would be good to hear how the arrangements are going?



Its all done mate. Come down and give one of us a call. Mine and Spaz numbers are in the shred thread and I’m sure if you pm rider he will give you his. By paying the 135, you are stuck with us in the shred shed smile

Breakfast consists of whatever you bring lol

TJswish - 02 September 2011 03:34 AM

Its all done mate. Come down and give one of us a call. Mine and Spaz numbers are in the shred thread and I’m sure if you pm rider he will give you his. By paying the 135, you are stuck with us in the shred shed smile

Shred Shed it is then. Sounds good. Looking forward to meeting everyone over beers Friday night.  smile



Parking is free in any of the o’night car parks around the village!!!!!