The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
Oh, they made a big mistake doin that when they full well know that the Boardworld Crew will be in town!!!!!
The heated pool and waterslide should get a workout imo
All those demo boards will already be detuned. The reps make sure the boards are in good riding condition. Most of the boards would have been ridden a bit this season, which detunes the board anyway.
Don’t get your hopes up, but I’m working towards bringing on a beer sponsor for The Shred. Looks like we should be able to get a few cases together. Not 100% confirmed yet but looking promising. Carlton Dry if you were wondering.
All those demo boards will already be detuned. The reps make sure the boards are in good riding condition. Most of the boards would have been ridden a bit this season, which detunes the board anyway.
Don’t get your hopes up, but I’m working towards bringing on a beer sponsor for The Shred. Looks like we should be able to get a few cases together. Not 100% confirmed yet but looking promising. Carlton Dry if you were wondering.
Who needs snowboard sponsors? I want the beer sponsor lol! Bring on the Carlton Dry, one of my favourite beers as well
A Beer Sponsor!!!!!
This is gonna be better than Christmas!!!!!
I can see which demo tent that Billy is gonna be spendin her time at!!!!!
Original thread HERE.
:BW Shred DownUnder ‘11:
September 12th-18th
Shred Weekend 16/17/18thDeposit for THE SHRED SHED
BSB: 802-124
Acc: 70128
Acc name: Sebanj
reference: shred (and your screen name!)Stay as many days as you want!! 11th-18th
Accommodation Only
When all beds are filled and everyone has set their dates I will work out the fairest price for the days you stay.
Refunds will be available or will go towards your lift pass.The Shred Shed is divided in 2 apartments; Doesn’t include linen (Blankets & Dooners are included)
3 large bedrooms in chalet : bed1-Queen, <strike>bed2-2 singles</strike>, bed3-3 bunks, Lounge room-sofa bed
Studio apartment in Basement : 2 bunks, 1 tri-bunkWho’s In?
1. K2 </small>
2. tjswish <small>
3. Jeff Pang (Chemical Storm)
4. Chemical Storm
5. Chemical Storm
6. Chemical Storm
7. Snowman
8. Dan83
9. Billy
10. Jensta
11. MoonUnit (Paid $135 for two nights last week)
House of Ullr
$210pp/2 nights/2 breakfast
with 20 booked price drops to $199.50ea)Sandy & Steven Connor
Phone +61 (0)2 6457 6210
Fax +61 (0)2 6457 6116Email
URL’s In?
Mizu Kuma
fast eddie
Warren Chapstick
Oz Snow Adventures ~River Inn Deal~
rider26/Just Giver
(Thredbo Alpine Hotel)
Lift Pass $155-2days (value season)
TBA discounted lift pass price for Boardworld Shred waiting on email from KT
Every 20 bought get 1 for free.notes
Jeff Pang - Chemical Storm Snowboard Demo.
- Possible house party (TBA),
spaz - Free headcam use for BWM Best Run comp. (any time during season 2011) MUST BE BOARDWORLD MEMBER!
- Photo and video action shoot.
- Daily video screenings.
rider - Any BW sponsor giveaway’s?
- Burton
K2 - Jam & Singalong
Prize Pool
Snowboard (Chemical Storm ‘Octorocker’)
Burton gear
+heaps more TBADemo’s
Chemical Storm
BurtonComp Suggestions
Accommodation Rivalry: Shed v’s Ullr v’s OzSnow v’s Tambazz
In Your Face: K/O Trick Comp
Fancy dress:
Best Jib:
Best Air:
Fail award:
Best Slash:
Best Drop:
BWM pick:
Most improved (during Shred week/weekend)
VIDEO:Best line through the resort (running all season - winner judged at BW shred)
Moon, that list there is a bit old, there is others Nytesky x3, OzGirl and Snowman who are also in the Shed and paid. Also, the price is not $120 as we needed 135 per person.
Moon, that list there is a bit old, there is others Nytesky x3, OzGirl and Snowman who are also in the Shed and paid.
Also, the price is not $120 as we needed 135 per person.
Thanks for the advice TJ. I paid $135 to Spaz last week so I guess I’m covered. Do I need to make a post or PM someone to confirm accommodation etc?
Thanks mate!
See other thread you posted in, I’m on the phone so I ain’t typing again lol
I think the reason Spaz locked the other thread was to sort through all the yes and payments etc. Give him a few days and it think he will post something similar to the above, as a final absolute list.
Moonunit, send Spaz a text (number posted on the other page) and ask him to confirm your payment I am sure it i fine though.
I think the reason Spaz locked the other thread was to sort through all the yes and payments etc. Give him a few days and it think he will post something similar to the above, as a final absolute list.
Moonunit, send Spaz a text (number posted on the other page) and ask him to confirm your payment I am sure it i fine though.
Thanks Oz. Just sent Spaz a text, so all should be good. I’m sure he’s very busy.
I also see you’re strapping on a board for the shred. Nice work!!
Hmmmm so it seems!!
(channeling Ullr, Channeling Ullr….)
Hmmmm so it seems!!
(channeling Ullr, Channeling Ullr….)
Hey Oz you’ll be fine. I’m no Mr Shredinski so if you fall over a bit you’ll be in good company.
i was just having a look at the comp suggestions and i think all the houses vs each other would b great!!! us ullr boys will take any1 down hahahahahahaha
Man, I hope that the predictions of fresh stuff fallin this week is correct!!!!!
Merrits today!!!!!!