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Western Australia to get dryslope facility


West Australians will next year be able to ski, snowboard and toboggan at the State’s first dry ski slopes for snow sports, with ambitious plans for the facility likely to be approved by Waroona council tonight.

Forest Edge Recreation Centre in Waroona plans to build the 3000sqm artificial ski fields next year on its 43ha property, 100km from Perth.

Graeme Watson, owner of the 30-year-old recreation centre, said the outdoor facility would not use snow on its ski fields but would use a material called Proslope, which emulated the sensation of skiing on snow.

Proslope has short-haired bristles made from a synthetic fibre that are laid over cushioned, interlocking mats.

It is sprayed with a fine mist that is partially absorbed by the bristles, making the surface slippery and slightly spongy.

It is used at many of the hundreds of dry ski slopes across the world, many of which are used as training grounds for skiers who compete in the Winter Olympics.

The facility will include four ski slopes, including a main slope which will be 120m long and 20m wide, as well as a 30m by 32m training slope for novice skiers, a toboggan section and a snow tube area for children’s parties.

“People have to be trained and we will have instructors on site, so when people go on the main slope they will be safe,” Mr Watson said.

The ski facility, which will take about six months to build, will include a cafe and a business centre.

The slopes will add to abseiling, rafting and other activities at the centre, which was last week named the WA Regional Small Business of the Year in a State Government award program.

Mr Watson, who recently returned from a tour of 19 dry ski slope facilities in Europe, said there had been major advances in dry slope technology since artificial ski fields started to appear in Britain in the 1970s.

He said he had received enthusiastic support from Tourism WA and Disabled Winter Sports Australia, and expected it would be a boon for tourism in the Peel region.

Mr Watson said it was the first commercial dry slope facility in Australia. He believed there were some small, privately owned artificial slopes in Melbourne that were used as jump zones.

He came up with the idea three years ago after he and his family caught “the ski bug” after a trip to Whistler in Canada.

Mr Watson would not reveal the cost of the centre, which he is financing from his own resources.



know a few who will use this one! (but I need a skier emoticon)  wink

rider26 - 26 November 2015 06:34 AM

Mr Watson would not reveal the cost of the centre, which he is financing from his own resources.


I hope Mr Watson has been working in the mines for years or better still owns a few mines as it will be needed to fund this!!

trentradpants - 28 November 2015 03:30 PM
rider26 - 26 November 2015 06:34 AM

Mr Watson would not reveal the cost of the centre, which he is financing from his own resources.


I hope Mr Watson has been working in the mines for years or better still owns a few mines as it will be needed to fund this!!

He’s got a Dry Ice Lab in the Winnebago that he got from the scrap yard!!!!!


Then it should all work out swimmingly. As long as he keeps on the good side of the mexicans


Pretty sure they’ll be sellin their spicy chicken in the food stalls there!!!!!