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HEAD OVER BISCUIT - Perisher Blog 2015



This post is totally overdue considering Ive been in Jindabyne for close to 4 weeks, but here it is! I figure this is a good a time as any with this weekends storm hopefully giving us some snow to ride as opposed to the limited cover of late.

This thread will be a follow on from my 2014 effort, PRACTICED ACCIDENTS - which can be found here, however, with a reduced scope. Last year I got too excited and promised a bit too much. So primarily this year Ill be posting blog, image and video content following my favourite style of riding, freestyle riding. This year I am actually living and working in the mountains so hope to be able to post more than the odd weekend update - snowfall and injury permitting..

Season so far:
I am working as a lifty in Bluecow and so far am really enjoying myself up here! I have some top workmates and even better housemates. Very lucky.
As for snow, we all know there hasn’t been a great deal - bummer. HOWEVER, I can say that Perisher and the snowmakers out here have done a absolutely cracking job opening what they have. This includes the park crew which had a fun rail line and a 30ft booter on FV even though the only snow was under the guns. There has since been a rebuild on FV and there is currently a bunch of varying rails and a 40ft main jump and a 20ft sister jump. Rode the sister jump the other day and let me tell you its a lot of fun for a little peck!

Im fairly keen to make this thread as interactive as possible so if anyone wants to ride laps at perisher or gets their own photos or videos please share them! Makes it much more fun for everyone!

Fingers crossed this storm delivers!

Peace v



Awesome Tracvks - PM me you real name and your lift you are on and i will say hi next weekend. I think i am going to work at blue cow at least one of the days!


Looking forward to this one! punch


Oz, I actually have Saturday and Sunday off! But please do say HI if you ever see me, that goes for anyone! My name is Cam Glenn bowtie



So there has been the first decent snowfall of the season! Wooo! snowman snowman While it is awesome that we have some snow, it isn’t great for riding just yet.. That said, there is another front coming through on Friday which the forecasters are saying is carrying upwards of 30cm! I predict this will improve snow quality resort wide, so I am hanging out for it!

For now, here are 2 snaps from the last few days. Hoping to get more soon!

Stroll to top hut out at pony carpet.

Chair on carpark chair in Guthega.



So there has been another decent fall of snow and there is more on the forecast for the next few days - so excited!! As I posted in the Perisher thread, had my first wind hold day out at bluecow and went and found some nice freshies down around Brumby T-bar and PV chair - seriously so much fun!! Best riding of the season so far without a doubt. If you can make it down for this storm, definitely do, its given and promises more quality Australian snow.

In the past 2 weeks the park crew have opened a short park at Leichardt which I rode on my only day off a week ago - pretty fun but as I said quite short. As of last week it had a 20ft jump, spine jib, 3m flat box, 3m flat rail, 3m flat corry and a 4m thick down tube. Jump and the down tube were my picks. I also went night riding on Tuesday and can say FV park is stacked with features (many of them have no kids written on them). I won’t attempt to explain what is going on there but will say that the 35ft sister jump was an absolute pleasure to ride. Still haven’t hit the 55.

Here are some more shots camera camera

Early start selfie

Early start sunrise

Getting a line wet

Lake sunset


Little insta clip from before the storm - check it out!  metal metal


Gosh the early starts are amazing aren’t they? Those who do not try and do first tracks (at BC) or First lifts are truly missing out!

Front Valley first lifts even on a corduroy day are some of the best runs of the day!

The same can be said all over the mountain!


We are back down 7-8th and then again 17-30 of August.. So ill keep an eye out for you.. We regularly hang at the cow (we have a season locker there). smile


Oz, yep! Definitely makes getting out of bed that little bit easier - especially since Bluecow has the best sunrises of the resort areas haha. Also, totally agree with the fresh cord too, everyone loves a untouched groomer.

Hoz, thats awesome. Yes, please do, would be stoked to have someone from BW come by. Hopefully see you down here soon!



Had the most bonkers day up the mountain - what an absolute ripper! With all this fresh snow over the past few days and cold temps overnight (-8 which is reasonably uncommon), the powder was well kept and rode amazing all day. Started off with some laps of Ridge chair over near the resort boundary of Bluecow and then rode the whole resort to finish up at the very edge of Eyre T. On Eyre T we traversed real high out towards Charlottes and dropped down to the road. We had to hike 5-10 minutes each run but was definitely worth the untouched powder we were getting. So stoked on today, here are some shots.

Brumby T rock garden

Fresh tracks under Ridge chair

Trees near resort boundary

Untouched field near resort boundary

Little rock drop beyond Eyre T


Sounds epic, Cam! Great photos. Just made this a sticky thread. thumbsup


Hi BW,

Just posted a product review on the Ass Armor impact shorts, head over to the brand discussion thread here to have a look. Can save you from moments like this - Ass Armor Insta


Hi BW,

Just posted a product review on the Le Bent - Le Definitive Sock, head over to the brand discussion thread here to have a look!


Hi BW,

Its been a while since I’ve posted about my actual activities, apologies. I feel like I’m always saying this but I have had an absolute blast this season. Especially in the last few weeks, cause in them I have progressed the most with my riding! Who knew being a lifty left you with hardly any time to ride haha!

Anyway, in the last few weeks I have had more time to ride and have been riding every sunny day we’ve had. Consistently getting into the park day-in day-out helps you progress like crazy! Hopefully if I return to the mountains next year my work schedule will be a little different. Anyway I just thought I would I update you guys some pictures from the past few weeks. Hope you all had as much fun as I did this season!  v

Early rise out at smiggs

FV park build during the Mile High

Late season air over the C box

Goofy shot on my last day