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Soft Launch Feedback: Logging in, registering accounts, account/member issues


Please leave feedback and bugs regarding:

Site registration
Site login
Member accounts
General site functionality
Anything related to this


smileys dont seem to load for me in the post reply section of a thread.

See image - that loading smileys text just hangs for a long time.


Thanks mate. We’re already aware of this one. It’s listed as a known bug here:

I would wink at you but the smileys don’t work! hahaha


Every time I visit the site on my laptop (using chrome) I have to sign in even when I have ‘remember me’ checked.

Also, is there a way to remember the page we were on when signing in? There is nothing worse than navigating, about to post a reply and realise I am not signed in. Then I sign in and am sent to the home page of the whole website.

blizzard_22 - 29 May 2015 10:56 AM

Every time I visit the site on my laptop (using chrome) I have to sign in even when I have ‘remember me’ checked.

Also, is there a way to remember the page we were on when signing in? There is nothing worse than navigating, about to post a reply and realise I am not signed in. Then I sign in and am sent to the home page of the whole website.

We will look into the “remember me” not working issue.

We are currently trying to find a solution for the signing in redirecting you to the homepage issue. I will keep you posted on this. Would you rather it sends you to the Forum Homepage if it has to send you somewhere specific?

rider26 - 29 May 2015 05:18 PM
blizzard_22 - 29 May 2015 10:56 AM

Every time I visit the site on my laptop (using chrome) I have to sign in even when I have ‘remember me’ checked.

Also, is there a way to remember the page we were on when signing in? There is nothing worse than navigating, about to post a reply and realise I am not signed in. Then I sign in and am sent to the home page of the whole website.

We will look into the “remember me” not working issue.

We are currently trying to find a solution for the signing in redirecting you to the homepage issue. I will keep you posted on this. Would you rather it sends you to the Forum Homepage if it has to send you somewhere specific?

It would be amazing if it would remember exactly where I was in the site (specific thread in the forum) but at least if it could remember store/forum/snow/skate etc would be better than always redirecting home. Hope that helps!


I went to change my screen name and got an error screen, however as soon as I refreshed it had worked.

Also got an error when I changed the time format from mm/dd/yy to dd/mm/yy (the way it should be by default!)


Hmm, I don’t know about this name changing. I always like that I know who I’m talking to without the option of people spoofing things etc.

Meanwhile I can change my name to Captain Awesomesauce if I want raspberry


Oh yeah, the logging out bit is driving me nuts!!!! Same drill as Blizz, but I’m using Safari.


Strange - it has remembered me from day dot of this soft launch.



You must be the chosen one!!!!!

I get kicked off doing a refresh :(


Just reporting that the site seems to be remembering me now shaka



We have implemented a fix so the site remembers where you are when you log in. This should now be fixed but there still might be some minor issues. So if you log in while you’re on the forums, it should keep you on the forums after you log in. Please keep an eye on this and report any problems.

Also, with the “keep me logged in” issue, this is all cookie-based, so if your browser’s security setting clears cookies or anything like that, you will get logged out. We don’t feel there’s a bug on our end, so please check your settings and see if that helps. Either way, we welcome all feedback, so please let us know if you continue to have problems with this.


Yep it just remembered where I was when I realized I wasn’t logged in! (I had voluntarily cleared my cache, no issue with it forgetting me)


It had kicked me off again this morning.


Tried to send a PM!!!!!

No workies!!!!!