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the Devo thread!!

Azz - 02 September 2013 08:42 PM

ITS ABOUT ME!!!!!!! (and Mizu, but he pissed off somewhere else with little internet)

Stop screaming old man


Oh, sorry mizu


My hearing aid battery went flat, fixed now smile

Azz - 02 September 2013 08:26 PM

OK, lets look at it from another angle.

A car that goes from 0 to 100 in say 5 seconds, is better than one that does the same in 10 seconds. They may both do the same top speed, all day and all night, just one takes off a little quicker smile

and inevitably finishes quicker to..
i’ll take an ole classic any day of the week. starts slower, goes forever and never breaks down.
high performance vehicles are good for one night burnouts, but wont get ya coming back for more.. rides   LOL


I will say this, sometimes the high performance machine gives zero fcuks about its passenger and just wants to get the job done as quickly as possible for it’s own personal satisfaction.  Other times the high performance machine likes to put on a stellar performance so the passengers friends will want to come and take a ride as well.  Other times the passengers skills as a passenger are so woefully shithouse the high performance car likes to finish as quickly as it can so it can go and look for a better passenger, just sayin is all.


This is all too much for my poor brain to handle. are we still talking about


NBG - 03 September 2013 09:40 AM

I will say this, sometimes the high performance machine gives zero fcuks about its passenger and just wants to get the job done as quickly as possible for it’s own personal satisfaction.  Other times the high performance machine likes to put on a stellar performance so the passengers friends will want to come and take a ride as well.  Other times the passengers skills as a passenger are so woefully shithouse the high performance car likes to finish as quickly as it can so it can go and look for a better passenger, just sayin is all.

haha LOL but how do you feel about backseat drivers??


Or tailgaters LOL


Hmmm by backseat driver would you mean a rainbow colour schemed car or two passengers?  Tailgaters could be the same colour schemed car or perhaps a straight train?  My imagination is really starting to run away with me!

NBG - 03 September 2013 10:28 AM

Hmmm by backseat driver would you mean a rainbow colour schemed car or two passengers?  Tailgaters could be the same colour schemed car or perhaps a straight train?  My imagination is really starting to run away with me!

imagination is fun!
orrr just make things really interesting and get yourself a clown car. the different combinations are limitless with all the passengers you can fit smile



And I thought this was about cars!

Classic ✔ (+40yo)
Performance ✔
Economy ✔
Comfort ✔
Passenger thrills ✔
Rego ✗

As for it’s owner; copy/paste the above but one can legally take a ride without rego.


What about good rubber? LOL


Hahahaha, funny thread LOL


stumbled onto this. seemed appropriate with what’s being going down around here lately.
pun intended LOL