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Two and a Half Men Cancelled


I watched the first ep and thought it was just crap… I mean the parts with Alan are still the same, but when Ashton is on screen it is like they are really pushing for it to be good/funny.


Yeah I agree. Allan seems to be more of a loser than ever and the jokes have taken a dive. I don’t like Ashton’s character; for a ‘smart’ guy he seems ridiculously stupid.

How long do you think the new show will last? If it’s not getting huge ratings, they will probably can it. I mean, he’s getting paid $700,000 an episode and who knows how much the other actors are getting paid.

rider26 - 20 October 2011 12:32 AM

Yeah I agree. Allan seems to be more of a loser than ever and the jokes have taken a dive. I don’t like Ashton’s character; for a ‘smart’ guy he seems ridiculously stupid.

I’m enjoying the new series with Ashton. I think they’re just settling in, and will smooth things out.

Considering that their other top rating sitcom is Big Bang Theory, it’s not surprising they decided to introduce a character who’s really smart, but comically awkward in other ways. They’re trying to protect their investment, so they’re playing it safe.


Yeah that makes sense. Look, I’m still watching the show so it must be doing something right. I still find it quite funny.

Honest question, chucky… how long do you think it will last?


I give it a couple of months, tops!!!!!

rider26 - 20 October 2011 12:54 AM

Honest question, chucky… how long do you think it will last?

It really depends on how they can develop Ashton’s character. At the moment, it’s all about inserting Walden and making us forget Charlie. They’re actually being quite clever, because all they’re really doing is shuffling character roles around. Look at the opening titles - notice that Jake is now in Charlie’s position? I reckon he’ll transition more from loveable screw-up to ‘the cool guy’, as Walden gradually fills Jake’s role, leaving Alan to do what he does best. In doing this, they kill two birds with the one stone (in terms of the show’s longevity), by also addressing the fact that Jake had to grow up sometime.


lol i never really though of it that way chucky but when u think about it you might be on to something here.