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New board time with some pow capability


Seriously, look at the Mod Rocker. I think you would be so stoked with it and it’s perfect for your size 12 boots. This board is totally your style; high performance true twin park board that absolutely rips everywhere, and is epic in the pow. It’s pricey but it’s a sick board!

NBG - 29 January 2015 04:34 PM

Hi grunge, yeah mate I’m well aware that I basically asked for a board that does everything ha ha ha.  I have no diea if we’ll get any pow at all based on our dates but you live in hope I guess.  I bought my boards at different stages in my riding and they all helped my riding at the stages that I bought them I spose but grouped together they probably seem a little weird.  I’m quite a big fan of the cam rock style hybrid camber that my Ply has and to be honest it does go ok in Aussie “pow”. 

If I’m honest with myself a more directional powder board setup would probably be fine as who really rides switch doing a tree run, it would be just for the odd natural hit take off and landing but in open spaces I would ride switch a fair bit so I’m still confused!

Haha yeah.. I know dude, I’m just trying to understand and confirm your intent instead.

That way I don’t just list a long line of stuff that you’ll just go “yeah, but nah” to. lol

Look I think you can still get pow in the spring, and it happened to me first time at whistler when I was there in April, so I’d say you’re okay crossing your fingers.

It looks like your “go to” board is your ply and it “does ok” in pow, and of course you want something nicer.
Personally looking at the range you’ve got I’d go what Jez says and do the Mod Rocker, it’ll give you something different on grooms than what you’ve got but will also be good on pow with the camber. Plus, you’ll get a different camber to what you have and a board with different specs. I reckon b/t the 4 boards it should cover you well enough….

On that, have you considered selling your other boards? I mean, if you don’t use it as much that is. Not that I’ve sold my boards myself, I mean they all have a specific use for me, with my Rome Agent Rocker being my “go to” board so far…



He could never sell his Bum boards that’s for sure!


^ haha fair point.

I just thought it because of the statement ” I bought my boards at different stages in my riding and they all helped my riding at the stages…” to me implies that they may not get the use that they once did.

I’m a bit of a minimalist so what I don’t need, I’d rather have someone else use it.
That’s just me tho’. Kinda helps to be fussy about which boards you keep too….I’ve only got one board that may be out of touch with what I got, but even know I’d probably use it.


Yeh fair enough.

Me personally i will keep my boards forever. Chuck them up in the garage/lounge room wall as a reminder of my mispent youth one day!


The Banana and the T Rice have both just sat there all last season….........................

I actually have two exactly the same Ply’s, both 159, one is an early/late season rock hopper with a yellow base and bums on top, the other has an unraped base in green with the same bums on top.

A mate took the T Rice down last year to see if he liked it but never ended up using it.  I can’t actually remember the last time I used either of them, I think the Banana is 2010 and the TRice is 2012 model.

If I continue going on like this I might just restrict myself to a new set of Ride Rodeo’s and leave it at that.  The Rome Mod ROcker def has my attention though, cheers for the idea Jez, I am going to have a squiz at one of those at some point before I leave or when I get there.  If it does dump a 159 might just find it’s way into my permanent possession.


^ otherwise if you just need a temp pow board for a day or two, just bring only the ply, and set back the bindings so it’s set back. =)


Or rent a demo board for a day and try something out?


My bindings are set up at the widest inserts so no setback really!


^ Then either mod rocker when it dumps and bring one board, or bring the skate banana.


The other option is to bring your ply/T.rice and get a pow board.


Hey Mike, Im riding the Jones Mountain Twin 154 now and I am super happy with it all round. It is true twin, camrock with a setback stance, on groomers and in park it rides switch as if there is no difference at all. it can be riden switch in powder, it is more effort, but once you are in your natural stance it just floats and the nose doesnt even think about taking a quick dip under the surface.


Cheers Dyldo, haven’t looked too hard at the Jones boards, what happened to ur stepchild and the old Ply? Not riding them any more mate?

NBG - 03 February 2015 12:03 PM

Cheers Dyldo, haven’t looked too hard at the Jones boards, what happened to ur stepchild and the old Ply? Not riding them any more mate?

Definitely worth looking into.

You mean my FYVE and Ply? never had a stepchild
I still ride them, the Ply has copped a fair old beating, used it as my early season rock board, needs some tlc before it gets back out there. Got two set ups at the moment, the Mountain Twin with Union Contact Pro’s and the FYVE CamRock with the Rodeos, which are very tattered and nearing the end of their life


Can confirm, Mountain Twin rips up in powder!