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Board Waxing - how much trouble do you go to?


Ok, so most of us know and accept that regular waxing every 3-5 full days is a good idea.
Seems to be universal that hot wax is definitely the better way to go too.
(Scraping dirt and residue wax off, plus base cleaner is a good standard prep when you can too.)

My question is:
“How much trouble do you go to?”

- Just iron on and hope for the best?
- Clean the edges as well?
- Scrape the base
- Rub the base down with a brillo/scotchbrite for full effect?
- Check the edges and de-bur?

I ride (full Whistler season) with peeps who rock a variety of these things.
Wondering how much trouble the kids at boardworld go to.

Throw up your opinions here…..


Hot wax, scrape, wipe with cloth. Deburr/sharpen edges with diamond stone when I feel like it usually every 1-2 weeks.


Being an Aussie border means maintenance is more necessary.

On a Fresh dump I get up a good 1.5 hrs earlier;
1. Scrape off excess.
2. Wipe with wax remover.
3. De-burr.
4. P-Tex.
5. Shave base.
6. Sharpen edges.
7. Hot Wax.
8. Comb.
9. Scour (scotchbrite)
10. Place board beautifully presented at front of lift line and talk to mountain staff about conditions and best line for first run until coffee shop opens.
11. Shred and video!

Otherwise I let it go until I notice a need for an edging file or major damage has occurred.

Post season;
I try to apply a summer wax in October but usually end up spending a week filing back the rust when the cooler weather appears in April on the families ski gear, then buy a new board, my daughter new skis (or like 2011; convince her she’s ready for snowboarding and get her a board), and leave the misses to make do or end up buying her new skis - even better this year: no misses to consider=stoked!!!!!!!!  cheese

Alternative to first 11 points is have a waxing party the night of a big dump.
This includes;
1. Lining the apartment with a tarp.
2. Ensuring at least one participant supply all the wax.
3. Ensuring at least one participant supply all the grog.
4. Conducting points 1-9 of first list.
5. Ensure everyone has left by 3am with the knowledge that none of them will be up for first lifts because they drank all the grog and I stopped at 10pm and sat on water.
6. & 7. Same as 10. & 11. of first list.

No Friends On A Powder Day

Those that choose wisely get footage of first run shredding.


I’m waxing mine every 3-4 days here in whistler since I’m riding it everyday. Just notice the difference and get frustrated when the board isn’t at it’s best. Then again I should probably look into it a bit more and do more than just constantly hot wax and scrape raspberry

I’ve never been one for super sharp edges so they generally just get left to get blunter and blunter as time goes on. Even after a base grind a few weeks back I opted to get them detuned.


Yeh mostly the same, I do mine every 2-4 days depending on my riding, the board im using and the snow conditions. I notice the difference realy quickly as the wax wears. I dont do heaps of work on the edges, mainly just clean them of rust and burs. They get a good shop service once a season and they do edges for me as well as base grind if needed. I do my own ptex repairs when ever needed. I like my base nice and neat smile

edit: forgot to add waxin process. I use a cleaning spray and wipe down, do edge work if needed, hot wax, scrape, comb, scotchbite scour, cork buff, SHRED! I usually do the wax the night before and let it sit over night then clean up in the morning. Just to let the base cool and the pores close up and push out any extra wax over night.
Mite not be the best processes but it works for me cool smile
Also ive always got a beer handy and headphones pumping music!


i usually get a clothes iron and melt some surf wax into the base…








lol not! I just got an iron and tuning gear few weeks ago and have learnt how to wax it and used a gummy stone to polish off surface rust.


You guys are committed!
I must be riding with some of the slackest riders around…
“Slap the wax on, let the mountain smooth it.”

Can anyone tell me how they justify the use of comb and cork on top of the usual scraper and scotchbrite?

Keep ‘em comin’ too. I think Spaz has by far the best approach so far - getting the crew hung over and hitting the fresh lines without competition.


Stole this from the SNOW section tuning page, but it is why i use a comb:
The wax brush is used to put a fine structure into your base. The brush leaves microscopic channels in the structure of your base. These fine channels allow water to run off your board more efficiently, therefore making your base faster. Use long, firm strokes, from tip to tail.

I find it also it helps remove any last bits of excess wax that the scotch pad/scraping didnt.
With the cork, i use it as a final buff and to smooth it all out once done. I could be wrong by doing this step but its just what i do. Would be interested to hear others views on corking?


Yeh i was just thinking about it and thought it should just be one or the other.


I haven’t bothered going beyond waxing and scraping. Should use the scotch brite at least though.


I’ve also noticed that some chunks of wax that I miss when scraping, especially around my dodgy channel, don’t come off the board even after 5-7 days of riding. Probably shows that its worth doing a good job. Riding only seems to clear excess wax hanging around the edges.


Enn Zed, during the 07 season:
- Every 2-3 snow days I’d hot wax, scrape, buff and structure
- Every 10ish days I’d do a base clean
- MTX edges meant no maintenance required
- Core shots fixed at home after the board had been thoroughly dried

Enn Zed, the last 2 seasons:
- F*ck wax, just turn less.

I don’t know why I’ve got so lazy, but it’s very seldom that I struggle due to lack of wax. You need it a little more in spring.




Classic stuff - Enn Zed.
I think this is what I’m coming across a bit with my crew - if you’ve got it pinned you shouldn’t need wax! Right!?


Let’s face it - whether I wax or not, I’m not entering boardercross races or trying to boost higher out of the u-ditch than Yawn Wyatt.

If I had a better setup for waxing (used to have dedicated tuning vises in the garage) I’d probably do it more often. Plus in Quebec it’s icy as fark a lot of the time so you’re going pretty quick anyway.


I find ice dries out the base, especially the edges, real fast.