The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


The “Help find me a board I’m a n00b” thread.


I wouldn’t post in this thread if I were a “noob”. I think a title change would go a long way in changing that.

Just a suggestion but personally when I was new to snowboarding and looking for a board, I was far more interested in hearing people’s personal experience and reviews of boards etc. rather than a recommendation and a whole lot of tech stuff I didn’t understand yet.

Eg. My first board was a 2010 Ride Rapture 151. I found it a really good board to learn the basics on, linking turns, riding switch, etc. very versatile in different conditions and a really reasonably priced board for a beginner. Even for intermediate riding this board would do the trick. As a “noob” it gave me the opportunity to figure out what I wanted from a board, where I wanted to progress to etc. before committing to a more expensive board that may have ended up being totally not my style.

Just my opinion anyway.