The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Getting my own board, need your assistance


Congrats man, sure you’ll love it.

Shoeless - 21 January 2015 05:55 PM

Decided to pick up the YES Basic by the way guys smile appreciate the help

Great board!!!!! shaka


Yea a few of you recommended the board itself then I did a little research and watched countless reviews on youtube, from people all over the world of different skill levels and all of them gave it a great review, so it wasn’t a hard decision at all smile I now fully understand the whole camrock profile as well smile

Appreciate all the help guys and gals, definitely cleared up a lot of stuff for me, especially regarding boards, stances and bindings. I think I will give a few different angles a go and see how things play out smile I have no rush and can fiddle around with them during our beginner lessons as I already have all the basics down but want to stick with the GF and help her out as much as I can.