The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Getting my own board, need your assistance


I think what everyone needs to consider here, is the individual rider, their ability and also their style. I ride with +18/-12 and I’d say I go ok with my riding ability. There’s a lot (understatement of the year!) more I can do improvement-wise, but unless I’m aiming to be a carve pro/racer, then a +/+ angle set up for me, just wouldn’t work.

Has anyone here truly actually ridden switch with positive angles? I’m genuinely curious now…


Wow, this thread has some discussion since last night. Haha.

With stance, I’ve always started beginners on 15,0. I pretty much agree with Grunge on this. When I say beginner, I mean someone who is in the first few days of their progression. The ultimate aim here is to get them turning. A directional stance (and also a narrower stance) is favourable here, as it encourages turning (and the narrower stance makes pivoting easier).

As the person progresses, only then do we need to start thinking about switch and experimenting with a duck stance and a wider stance. Duck and wide is favourable for switch and freestyle. It’s not necessary and actually counter-productive before that stage. And when they do start experimenting with duck stance, start with small angles and make small adjustments so they can find their desired stance. Experimentation is key, and the best way to do this is with the smallest adjustments.

My opinion, anyway.

lulu_in_canada - 21 January 2015 06:44 AM

Has anyone here truly actually ridden switch with positive angles? I’m genuinely curious now…

Yep, and it was a directional powder board too. LOL

It’s easy enough if you know how to ride switch. Duck stance just makes it easier and more comfortable. I actually first learnt to ride switch with 0 on my back foot, with a setback stance. I was oldschool haha. It probably made me a stronger switch rider, though.


At the end of the day, ride whatever angle feels comfortable for you. I don’t think Terje will ride duck anytime soon or Halldor riding positive angle.


That’s interesting, Jeremy! I might have to try it out one day and really challenge myself.

‘Cause you know, I’m totally pro at riding switch, why not make it harder, right?

Good food for thought and discussion on angles, though. Very interesting topic, of which some of us could probably talk for days about!

rider26 - 21 January 2015 07:08 AM

My opinion, anyway.

This is what it all boils down to at the end of the day!!!!!

There’s no right way, and no wrong way!!!!! Do what works best for you!!!!!

I think the positive angle stance originated with the first snowboards bein directional, and hence why you see old schoolers like Terje still use them!!!!!

With the progression of park ridin and freestyle taken out into the Freeride World, and the equipment that’s come with it, binding angles have changed somewhat to suit the shape/flex, and the fact that switch is now a bigger part in the way people ride today!!!!!

Havin said that, my recommendation would be similar to skip’s and use a +15/-6, as not only will it assist with a future transition to a full duck stance, but it can help you to keep from openenin you’re stance (shoulders open to the direction you’re headed) whilst learnin to use your edges!!!!!!

Sometimes habits can be a hindrance later on down the track, so if you want (or can see yourself) ridin switch a great deal in the not too distance future, then why make it harder for yourself in the first place?????

An example for me is that my brain struggles big time when ridin switch due to my habit formed from surfing in a one directional pattern over 30+ years!!!!!

If you start learning by standing completely sideways (and not with a forward facing stance, that forward facing angles promote), then you’ll feel much more at ease when it comes to ridin the opposite direction!!!!!

My $3.50!!!!! (Progressive Inflation)


Oh hi Mizu! Long time no talk.

skip11 - 21 January 2015 08:10 AM

Oh hi Mizu! Long time no talk.

Hey skip!!!!!

Been busy busy!!!!!

Bein a Grandpa is hard work!!!!! LOL


Good to see you, papa bear. punch

rider26 - 21 January 2015 08:17 AM

Good to see you, papa bear. punch



I hate our time differences, it makes it so there’s a gazillion posts and I have to pedal back alot to respond. LOL!

lulu_in_canada - 21 January 2015 06:44 AM

I think what everyone needs to consider here, is the individual rider, their ability and also their style. I ride with +18/-12 and I’d say I go ok with my riding ability. There’s a lot (understatement of the year!) more I can do improvement-wise, but unless I’m aiming to be a carve pro/racer, then a +/+ angle set up for me, just wouldn’t work.

Has anyone here truly actually ridden switch with positive angles? I’m genuinely curious now…

I did it with @skip11 from the Blackcomb terrain garden down, and also from roundhouse with the g/f on +ve angles.
I haven’t done a full switch day if that’s what you’re asking, but I’m sure you trust I am able to ride switch competently at decent speeds and carves.
I wouldn’t call it comfortable but it’s doable. But my point is that to advocate duck based on “easier to ride switch” to a beginner is not the right basis.
Bear in mind I’m a big advocate of duck stance myself and 80% of my stance is +15/-9 or -12.

Now remember, what I’m NOT SAYING is “all you duck people are wrong.”
That’s not what I’m saying at all. I 100% agree with individual rider, ability and style.

rider26 - 21 January 2015 07:08 AM

Wow, this thread has some discussion since last night. Haha.

With stance, I’ve always started beginners on 15,0. I pretty much agree with Grunge on this. When I say beginner, I mean someone who is in the first few days of their progression. The ultimate aim here is to get them turning. A directional stance (and also a narrower stance) is favourable here, as it encourages turning (and the narrower stance makes pivoting easier).

As the person progresses, only then do we need to start thinking about switch and experimenting with a duck stance and a wider stance. Duck and wide is favourable for switch and freestyle. It’s not necessary and actually counter-productive before that stage. And when they do start experimenting with duck stance, start with small angles and make small adjustments so they can find their desired stance. Experimentation is key, and the best way to do this is with the smallest adjustments.

My opinion, anyway.

100% with you Jez and it makes sense.
And I’m talking 100% beginner, this is my 1st-3rd day on the hills.
After the initial “learn phase,” there will always be an inclination to try different things with stances and angles. (At least I think there should be for most ppl in progression, curiosity gets the better.)
Telling me that they won’t be able to do switch, or won’t be able to carve, etc etc is like saying “well if you go duck, you’ll be riding like Shaun White in 1 week.”

I guess I just don’t like opinions being sold as fact, unless there is a basis for it.
I’ve never been one to do that and have always been clear of what I’m advocating as opinion, as opposed to what is fact.
I know most of you duck advocates prolly haven’t even read the link I put in, I found a better mirror of it with the pics intact:

I urge everyone to read it and get perspective and info from it.
Plus if you want to talk reliable source, as the article states (right at the bottom,) here are recommended angles from Snowboard Canada mag:

Halfpipe +10/+5
Park +15/+5
Beginner +25/+15

And if you want to go the way of “but that’s not what everyone’s doing,” there are average stances of pros in different discipline (albeit they may be outdated.) I actually found the average surprising when I first read the article in 2010, and I’ve just reread and found it just as surprising.

And as @Mizu said, there’s trends. Heck, I remember when the trend for beginners was “Oh you’re a beginner? Get a shorter/park board, and make sure it’s rocker.”
Doesn’t mean it’s wrong, but doesn’t mean it’s fact either. =)

Mizu Kuma - 21 January 2015 08:00 AM

My $3.50!!!!! (Progressive Inflation)

What have you turned into? The Loch Ness Monster?

(I hope someone gets this…)


With the topic on hand, it obviously differs for each person. I’d start with a generic 15/-9 and fiddle with what you think is right. 0 degrees is mainly an issue with overhang and positive angles cause your ankles to tweak the wrong way and your shoulders to open. Keep your hips pointing in the direction you want to go and you’ll get it pretty quick.

TJswish - 21 January 2015 03:22 PM
Mizu Kuma - 21 January 2015 08:00 AM

My $3.50!!!!! (Progressive Inflation)

What have you turned into? The Loch Ness Monster?

(I hope someone gets this…)

If your jokes are anythin like your fashion sense, then…..?????

Mizu Kuma - 21 January 2015 03:26 PM
TJswish - 21 January 2015 03:22 PM
Mizu Kuma - 21 January 2015 08:00 AM

My $3.50!!!!! (Progressive Inflation)

What have you turned into? The Loch Ness Monster?

(I hope someone gets this…)

If your jokes are anythin like your fashion sense, then…..?????

Hey! we all have the same BW hoodie raspberry


Decided to pick up the YES Basic by the way guys smile appreciate the help