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1 week left….U.S here we come!!!

Hey all, it’s been awhile but I’m back and will be posting a blog of our U.S snow trip which kicks off next week smile

But before I start that, we need to pack and as it is our first o/s trip, we are unsure of things we should pack, mostly weather appropriate clothing.  Any suggestions s would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


North America is different to Aus ski fields.

You’ll need:
Face Mask
Good Gloves

Good idea to have:
Those little hotties things for your hands / feet when it’s really cold.
Helmet - for tree runs. Tree runs are awesome and could easily be one of my favourite parts of snowboarding but nothing hurts more than hitting a tree!

Spray on deodorant - Everything is a stick unless it’s Lynx or Old Spice
Vegemite / BBQ sauce - Cause you’re Aussie / It’s only smokey BBQ in America
Decent shoes for walking in - You don’t really need sorrels but they are nice. Hiking boots / high top boots are preferred but even leather skate shoes will do the job.
Swimmers - Hot tubs everywhere!!!
Knowledge of your rights and lefts - If you plan on driving hahaha.

I’m sure there is more important stuff than some of mine but it’s a start!


Wooo hoo

Remind us of your plans…

38 days to go for me shaka

Layers and lots of layers.

You will want to strip down when you get indoors. They have central heating everywhere.

You should buy the hand-warmers TJ suggests over there,

Swimmers are a must!

If you have a lot of things to charge think of taking a power board and then you only need one plug converter.

Phenergan for the plane! - 2 of those will knock you out after dinner on the plane. Don’t drink (alcohol)  too much on the flight.

Resting on the plane is the best way to ward of jet leg especially if you are hitting the ground running on landing.

Stay awake until night time. If you find you are struggling to stay awake on arrival get out in the sunlight.

Do not drink a lot when you first get to altitude (where are you going again?) don’t ride hard your first day or two either when you get to altitude - even if you are in the US for a week first - if you then go up to altitude don’t go nuts on your first day.

Drink lots of water!


Thanks Oz and TJ

Good to see I was on the right track throwing the power board in, there are 4 travelling and I figured thgis was easier than buying 4 conversion plugs. As well as the swimmers!!! some mad looking hot tubs and spas at some of our accommodation.

Currently have packed our boards/bindings, boots [I am looking at getting new boots but thought it would be wise to take ones that i know fit and are comfortable], snow gear plus a few jumpers for layering [inc. my BW hoodie] a few thermal pants and shirts, some compression pants, gloves [ will look at upgrading or at the least, getting some liners] have packed our helmets [used to protect some breakables]. the helmets and bindings are in the suitcase and the rest weighs 20kgs in my travel bag.

The itinerary is

Land in LA and spend 2 nights waiting for our friends to arrive. Going to buy a heap of cheap shirts, a decent coat and boots, plus a few other essentials from the walmart near our hotel. Also going to try and find a snow gear outlet in LA, check out the burton store and acclimatise to US driving.

Friends arrive and then straight to Vegas for 3 nights.
Then one night in the desert near monument valley on the way to Aspen snowmass for 2 nights [ white christmas!!!! ] and then basing ourselves in Silverthorne for 7 nights for the Colorado mtns.
Off to Jackson Hole for 6 nights then down to Utah for 5 nights [Park City and Snowbird]

Then we are going to wing the rest of trip i think we have about 15 days spare so Tahoe or Mammoth are on the cards pending how wrecked we are lol and time in San Fran, the coast drive to LA and flying out. 38 days in total

We have a Chevy Traverse for the whole trip unless we wrangle an upgrade or a “similar model” is provided.


Okay so just be careful that first night in Aspen re drinking/altitude sickness!

Where are you staying Aspen or Snowmass? its a drive between the two!

Silverthorne is high! 9,035 ft (2,754 m) - so higher than Mt Kozi, so keep your wits about you there re altitude as well. Nausea and/or Headaches not good.

a Hummidifer is also a good idea for your hotel room.

There is a great outlet mall in Silverthorne

Northern Lights - 11 December 2014 11:05 AM

Off to Jackson Hole for 6 nights then down to Utah for 5 nights [Park City and Snowbird]

Then we are going to wing the rest of trip i think we have about 15 days spare so Tahoe or Mammoth are on the cards pending how wrecked we are lol and time in San Fran, the coast drive to LA and flying out. 38 days in total

We have a Chevy Traverse for the whole trip unless we wrangle an upgrade or a “similar model” is provided.

Re hire car, make sure the car is actually 4WD before you drive off the lot! If you are picking up a car in LA the chances of snow /all weather tyres is low. You may want to pick up chains for the car at Walmart (you can return them if they are unused) but remember you are on your own if you crash while wearing them… the are forbidden on hire cars.

Ours dates are these… we might cross paths at the end?

Jan 18-19th Aspen
21st-23rd Jackson, (hoping for one of these days to be cat skiing if we can swing it with fresh snow)
25& 26th Snowbird,
Jan 28 Mammoth
29 -31Tahoe (Squaw only one day, Heavenly one day and possibly kick wood the 3rd day)


We have requested a 4wd and are planning on swapping it out in either vegas or near glen wood springs for one with snow tires.

We get to Snowmass on the 24th in the afternoon, and have lift tickets at snow mass, probably won’t see aspen or rub shoulders with celebrities.

We picked Silverthorne as it looked very central to all the CO snow resorts.

Unfortunately I don’t think our travel paths will cross but we will see smile


Snowmass will be good! Your lift ticket gets you access to all four mountains. But you will have to drive between the bases from Snowmass. You should try and make to Highlands at least

I was going to give you restaurant recs for Aspen.

But Venga Venga is apparently a good Mexican in Snowmass village.

Northern Lights - 11 December 2014 11:05 AM

...straight to Vegas for 3 nights.

There is a DC store in the Miracle Mile that my hubs got a snow jacket from for $60. Awesome coat!

There is Oakley and Under Armour at the outlets that also sell snow gear. Worth a look.

blizzard_22 - 11 December 2014 03:51 PM
Northern Lights - 11 December 2014 11:05 AM

...straight to Vegas for 3 nights.

There is a DC store in the Miracle Mile that my hubs got a snow jacket from for $60. Awesome coat!

There is Oakley and Under Armour at the outlets that also sell snow gear. Worth a look.

Will definitely check these out. Might get some goggles at the Oakley outlet.


ozgirl - 11 December 2014 12:28 PM

Snowmass will be good! Your lift ticket gets you access to all four mountains. But you will have to drive between the bases from Snowmass. You should try and make to Highlands at least

I was going to give you restaurant recs for Aspen.

But Venga Venga is apparently a good Mexican in Snowmass village.

Will check venga out.

Also what do you suggest the humidifier for?


Preventing Altitude sickness!

So common that you can request them at accommodation apparently!

But so cheap may as well get one.