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where do you see yourself in 5 years??

ceo?? prime minister?? traveling?? rich?? jobless?? homeless?? in a rock band?? on a tv show?? LOL


No idea…


That’s a bit modest Mizu. At least 100K for sure wink


Married (well that parts happening next week so don’t have to think too far ahead for that), probably with a bub or two & hopefully still being able to surf and snowboard as much as possible!
seriously though - who knows? I’m not a career ambitious person and don’t have many goals for gaining material things (snowboard gear can be an exception haha) so I don’t know. As long as me, my friends and family are well and happy then life is good!


Two kids flown the coop, another very close, life will be getting very cruisy, let the good times roll.


Celebrating the 5th year anniversary of you asking me this question…

Mizu Kuma - 23 February 2011 05:31 AM

They never leave these days Azz!!!!! They just keep comin back!!!!!  grrr

Pigs Arse, they have been given the marching orders already.

tjswish - 23 February 2011 06:23 AM

Celebrating the 5th year anniversary of you asking me this question…



Brandy - 23 February 2011 08:26 AM
tjswish - 23 February 2011 06:23 AM

Celebrating the 5th year anniversary of you asking me this question…



Mitch Hedberg FTW smile


I hope that Jeremy will be rich and we will be living in a big house somewhere with our puppy Chilli raspberry

Nah I hope to have my career up and running, and don’t ask what that will be because I have no idea smile


Big house? Keep dreaming…  LOL


Ok well I guess I can settle for 3 small houses.


Still learning stuff, probs in Uni by then… if im smart enough to get in raspberry
Ugh, will i ever stop going to school?!


hmm, 5 yrs time I’d like to be somewhere in North America doing a year of adventure. A winter season of snowboarding epic snow, then white water kayaking the snow melt and then down hill mountain biking the summer as well as some more paddling in summer. BC would be an awesome place, but im also thinking California would be great too. Some epic rivers in both areas, as well as great snow


Like Azz (sort of); I will have a pre-pubescent daughter so will be gearing up for having her reject me in place of some pimple faced retard that call themselves a rock star.
Sorry a bit negative there - I will be enjoying the final years of being my daughters hero.

My imagination see’s me as her snowboard/surfing manager overseeing her career and taking her to ski and surf spots around the world in preparation for her Olympic debut in 2016(surfing) & 2018(snowboarding and skiing) at age 15.

spaz - 26 February 2011 01:10 AM

My imagination see’s me as her snowboard/surfing manager overseeing her career and taking her to ski and surf spots around the world in preparation for her Olympic debut in 2016(surfing) & 2018(snowboarding and skiing) at age 15.

that would be great if that happens! Hope it does spaz smile