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New Freestyle Board

Ok, I’m thinking of buying a new board, I’m currently riding a Forum Youngblood (152), and I’m pretty much sick of it.

Because I’m into freestyle, I was thinking of getting something like a Burton Dominant or something similar.

Any freestyle boards you guys suggest?



i think you might get bored with a dom..i know i did. have you ridden any higher end freestyle boards? got a budget? boot size?


Umm anything under about $750NZish possibly $800NZ, I mean I do want a good board, but I don’t want to dosh out tons. Um I’m a size 9.5US boot.

Why might I get bored with a dom? Ive herd there good boards? any reason why I would? just doing my research for now. Any advice or comments are appreciated.


I think you may get more responses if you provide more information:
(Think of it like this… if you want advice, we need information to base that advice on. You may not have answers to all the questions, but try your best.)

Are you male or female?

How much do you weigh?

How tall are you?

What size are your feet?

What equipment are you currently using? (List the board company and model and length. List the binding or boot you are using if the questions pertain to that).

How long have you been riding? (Number of seasons, and number of days on snow each season).

What style of riding do you do mostly and what riding style do you strive for?

What types of snow, or what mountains do you ride at?

How much money are you willing to spend.

What company’s product would you like to buy? (Are you willing to support giant conglomerate international publicly traded mega corporations (k2/ride jardin, quiksilver/mervin, amer sports, nike, northface) or would you rather prefer small privately held companies? (burton, unity, c3, rome, arbor, 32)?

Where do you live? (perhaps we can recommend a good store in your area to visit).

What are their future plans? Trips overseas, 1 weekend a year etc etc

Who do they ride with? Are they better than you? And do they push them to improve?

snowslider - 29 June 2009 12:41 AM

I think you may get more responses if you provide more information:
(Think of it like this… if you want advice, we need information to base that advice on. You may not have answers to all the questions, but try your best.)

Are you male or female?

How much do you weigh?

How tall are you?

What size are your feet?

What equipment are you currently using? (List the board company and model and length. List the binding or boot you are using if the questions pertain to that).

How long have you been riding? (Number of seasons, and number of days on snow each season).

What style of riding do you do mostly and what riding style do you strive for?

What types of snow, or what mountains do you ride at?

How much money are you willing to spend.

What company’s product would you like to buy? (Are you willing to support giant conglomerate international publicly traded mega corporations (k2/ride jardin, quiksilver/mervin, amer sports, nike, northface) or would you rather prefer small privately held companies? (burton, unity, c3, rome, arbor, 32)?

Where do you live? (perhaps we can recommend a good store in your area to visit).

What are their future plans? Trips overseas, 1 weekend a year etc etc

Who do they ride with? Are they better than you? And do they push them to improve?

Woah haha.

Here we go.

1. Male
2. 63 -65kgs?
3. Dunno average 17 year old
4. I’m a size 9.5US Boot
5. Forum Youngblood 152
6. Um 3-5 Seasons? About 2weeks minimum, usually more a season. But I constantly board at SnowPlanet in NZ
7. Freestyle, Jibbing, Park
8. Usually snow like SnowPark NZ, Mt Hutt or Snowplanet
9. $750
10. Id prefer something like Burton, Ride
11. Auckland, NZ
12. I pretty much only board in NZ, for now, but by the time I have enough money to go overseas I’ll have a new board after this one.
13. I ride with people in my skill level or better, Intermediate-Beginner Advanced.

Thanks for the advice, hope this helps guys.


Are there any demo days at a hill near you soon?

If there are, get yourself there and ride ride ride. What do you mates ride? Can you play swap with them for a few runs?

I find the best way to see what you like is to get out on as many different boards as possible.

We encourage our kids to do this, its surprising how minds change about what you think, compared to what really is the board for you.


Burton Dom is a good jib stick, but other sticks out there are far more fun. Try reverse camber or even no camber boards? The Burton Con-dom would be more fun then the Dom.

My suggestions are bias towards reverse camber. But its awesome for jib and park and all round freestyle

Capita Horrorscope
Rome Artifact 1985
Nitro Sub Pop
K2 WWW (heard Rocker version wasn’t as good).

zhenjie - 29 June 2009 03:05 AM

Burton Dom is a good jib stick, but other sticks out there are far more fun. Try reverse camber or even no camber boards? The Burton Con-dom would be more fun then the Dom.

My suggestions are bias towards reverse camber. But its awesome for jib and park and all round freestyle

Capita Horrorscope
Rome Artifact 1985
Nitro Sub Pop
K2 WWW (heard Rocker version wasn’t as good).

I was actually thinking of a WWW, I rode my mates and I’m loving its flex and shape altogether.

I’ve herd the con-dom is a pretty sweet stick to. Might give that a demo.


I agree with the recommendations to step it up past the Dom. My main reason for saying that is the base. The Dom has an extruded base, which doesn’t perform nearly as well as a sintered base. The Dom used to have a sintered base but many years ago they down-graded it, as there were new top end park boards coming into their line like the Burton Uninc (great board to check out by the way). In the Burton range also look at the Twin. Won’t cost as much as the Uninc but still a sintered base and a very nice freestyle board. You can also look at the Ride DH.

Jez. - 29 June 2009 03:41 AM

I agree with the recommendations to step it up past the Dom. My main reason for saying that is the base. The Dom has an extruded base, which doesn’t perform nearly as well as a sintered base. The Dom used to have a sintered base but many years ago they down-graded it, as there were new top end park boards coming into their line like the Burton Uninc (great board to check out by the way). In the Burton range also look at the Twin. Won’t cost as much as the Uninc but still a sintered base and a very nice freestyle board. You can also look at the Ride DH.

I rode my mates DH, it was rad. I hate the look of the new twin, but ill be sure to check out the Uninc, ill hit up a mate cause I think he used to own one? Ill see what he says about it.


Yeah my main problem with the dom was the speed issue. Its damn slow and just frustrated me no end. Then i got the uninc and presto problem fixed. The uninc is not as forgiving as the dom though, and if you are riding an indoor jib park a lot maybe something like it might be better. The dh may fit the bill in that respect.


I own two Unincs. For me they are the best all round freestyle boards I have ever ridden. They kill it in the park and anywhere on the mountain. I highly recommend the Burton Uninc.

rider26 - 29 June 2009 04:29 AM

I own two Unincs. For me they are the best all round freestyle boards I have ever ridden. They kill it in the park and anywhere on the mountain. I highly recommend the Burton Uninc.

Sweet as, Ill be sure to try and demo it or see If one of my mates or mate’s friends have one I could test run.


i’ve had a few unincs as well, pretty good alround, i really liked the 154.  its not that soft though so if rails are your thing then maybe something a little softer would be better.  i have a burton seven now, similar to the uninc really and the graphics are almost the best i’ve ever seen, the best was my uninc 156 with a dayglow pink topsheet!!! i loved that stick.  If i could get any board now, i’d take a skate banada, not rode one but it excites me a great deal.  I’m surprised noone has mentioned them on this thread so far.

Aidy - 29 June 2009 07:31 AM

i’ve had a few unincs as well, pretty good alround, i really liked the 154.  its not that soft though so if rails are your thing then maybe something a little softer would be better.  i have a burton seven now, similar to the uninc really and the graphics are almost the best i’ve ever seen, the best was my uninc 156 with a dayglow pink topsheet!!! i loved that stick.  If i could get any board now, i’d take a skate banada, not rode one but it excites me a great deal.  I’m surprised noone has mentioned them on this thread so far.

aidy love your stick choice! i also had the 56 pink uninc…my fav board so far…until one fateful run at blue cow when i snapped it! now i have the 08 56 with the kitten on it….loving the est. i have used it on boxes, no rails yet. i find the uninc a little stiff for really pressing and tweaking it compared to the dom which was a noodle.
softest board i have ridden so far was a ride kink 149. (how i dislocated my shoulder) and i demo’ed a 153 gnu danny kass with magnetraction after snapping my uninc which was pretty fun and great for pressing.

Banger - 29 June 2009 09:16 AM
Aidy - 29 June 2009 07:31 AM

i’ve had a few unincs as well, pretty good alround, i really liked the 154.  its not that soft though so if rails are your thing then maybe something a little softer would be better.  i have a burton seven now, similar to the uninc really and the graphics are almost the best i’ve ever seen, the best was my uninc 156 with a dayglow pink topsheet!!! i loved that stick.  If i could get any board now, i’d take a skate banada, not rode one but it excites me a great deal.  I’m surprised noone has mentioned them on this thread so far.

aidy love your stick choice! i also had the 56 pink uninc…my fav board so far…until one fateful run at blue cow when i snapped it! now i have the 08 56 with the kitten on it….loving the est. i have used it on boxes, no rails yet. i find the uninc a little stiff for really pressing and tweaking it compared to the dom which was a noodle.
softest board i have ridden so far was a ride kink 149. (how i dislocated my shoulder) and i demo’ed a 153 gnu danny kass with magnetraction after snapping my uninc which was pretty fun and great for pressing.

How soft is the Kink? I like soft boards as I’m into pressing, rails etc. So far Im thinking of:

and possibly the Seven