The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive




My wife sent me this news article.

She likened it to a holocaust style killing. Who the HELL thinks that is ok.

The love of money is the root of all evil, which is proven true in this case. This really boils my potato.


Yeah it’s absolutely shocking! We were talking about this yesterday, everyone here is really disturbed by what happened. Those dogs could have gone to good homes or taken up North. All of those involved should go to jail for a very long time! There is absolutely no excuse for their actions!  mad


Oh no!!! I nearly cried reading this!!! Makes me sick to the stomach.  downer Those ba$tards should be locked up and given the same treatment those poor helpless animals had… Give me 5 minutes in a room with them - that’s all I want.. GRRRRR.. So angry! How can people be so downright cruel??? I keep imagining my dog and what those poor puppies went through :(

They’re absoulte scum, there is no other words…


As in the words of THROWDOWN “deliver us from the scum of the earth.”


Doesn’t even really sum up the feelings about it.


I can’t believe how they are trying to justify their actions: