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K2_SCS takes on Japan!


In Tokyo now. Will?post more details bout trip when im back home.
Best time ever! you all must come to japan!


Hell yeah! ^


Ill have it done before tomorrow night. I only unpacked properly today. Now doin house work (while watchin bondi wink ) and once ive finished the vacuming and fixed my kayak for tomorrow ill get onto it! dont worry, it will be up before the weekend finishes smile


Im doing it Mizu, im 500+ words into it and at day 3. haha i crap on a lot!


ok peeps here it is, well the start of it anyway smile
Still have a lot of pics to upload and get from other cameras, so will only be a little bit in here now, and the rest will come later.

Day 1
So our trip started off in Melbourne early in the morning. We had a domestic flight to cairns then a 3hr wait then flight to Tokyo. On the strip and our plan starts making heaps of really loud and disturbing noises. About 30mins later we taxi back into the park bays and wait another 45mins before we take off. Not a good start we think.
Land in Cairns, and we are dying from the humidity. Passing time by playing Words With Friends on our Iphones (oh if anyone on here has an iphone and wants to play me my user name is B-Rad-Man ). Departure time passes and we are annoyed but not surprised. 40min later we board the plan. Though we sit on the plan for nearly an hour before they tell us a volcano has gone off in the south west of Japan and they have been re doing the flight plan instead of canceling the flight. So we felt hard done that our flight was now going to be nearly 9hrs but lucky at the same time our flight wasn’t cancelled.
So the time was filled by alcoholic beverages, discussions about the “solo mile high club”, more scrabble, lots of Flick Fishing, laughing at my brother as he kept drooling everytime he went to sleep, laughing at the citys we were flying over

and sleeping.
Eventually we got to Tokyo, quickly rushed on trains to get to our hostel before it closed. Checked in went for a cruise around and bought some beers from some vending machines as a night cap before we hit the beds ready to travel to Nagano and Hakuba.


Day 2
Woke up early and headed into Tokyo station to jump on the Shinkansen to Nagano.  When we got there there was snow about and it was starting a light dusting. We were starting to get pretty excited!! Jumped on the bus to Hakuba.

Got to Hakuba and were super stoked and amazed at the views of the mountains. One side you have all the resorts which some have trees all over them and others look like massive snow-covered rock monsters! We were frothing in anticipation of ridiing. Look the other way and there is endless rolling
hills blanketed in trees with snow underneath them. Not to mention the banks of snow next to the road were at least 2m high!

Checked into our hostel and were super happy with it. Super cheap meals and the coolest chilled out bar and lounge with two happy hours a night. We picked the right place cool smile

Got set up and started drinkin and meeting our house mates.


Day 3
First day of snowboarding cheese and it had been dumping over night.
Walk down the road to the bus stop

Thought we would hit up the main mountain for our first day and see what its like so we headed to Happo One. Man was it DUMPING snow! It was soo awesome. Riding so much pow but was pretty tracked out as it was a Saturday. Still it was our warm up day and we hadn’t boarded since September 2010 and we were just buzzing! Happo with fresh snow is such an awesome freeriding mountain. We were loving it. Rode till we needed a desperate rest. So stopped for lunch and were keen for heaps of food. We ordered 3 full sized lunches each because we couldn’t decide on what we wanted LOL all the japs were giving us the weirdest looks. Obviously we didn’t eat all of it…. But we gave it a good shot!
Went back out for the second half of the day and had scoped out a few areas on the map we wanted to hit. Went to all the black runs and got some sweet sweet steep powder runs in.  Life is good right now knowing we have another 5 more days of this.
Made our way to the gondola to work our way to the peak as we hadn’t been up yet. And we hit our first big line (and only big line for the trip, small in whistler standards I know)

Rode till last call. Then worked our way back to the hostel for dinner and our first big night in Hakuba.

Will post more tomorrow when I get home. Still got to get heaps more pics form the others cameras.
There is some funny stories coming up from the night of day 3 onwards grin


Sick photos K2, awesome stuff! cool smirk

Keep em coming…  tongue wink


Thanks for sharing smile  Look forward to the rest.

What sort of money was it to do the trip? Did you do it as a package, or book stuff separate?


Night 3/ Day 4
Woke up struggling to get moving after a massive night on the grog. The night before started as usual with happy hour drinks at the hostel. Then we were going out to find the bar that had posters up about a reggae night. We assumed it would be at the bar Reggae Bar, 5-6 of us walked there, down the stairs through the corridor and into the bar. I tell you what it was like one of those western movies where the cowboy walks into the bar and everyone stops and stares. There was only two people in there, the bar tender and a big fat Japanese dude with the biggest afro I have seen on an asian ever! We all just looked at each other and slowly backed out. When we got to the street we couldn’t stop laughing.
Walked back to 902 another club next to our hostel, which turned out to be where reggae night was. Got messy all night doin shots with the owner and his Doberman (was the coolest dog ever! Just sat in the bar and did tricks for us), long island ice teas and spoke crap.
Two guys and myself were the last ones back to the hostel and everyone was in bed, but we had the munchies. Went into the lounge/kitchen to make some eggs on toast, but couldn’t be bothered boiling the eggs. I told my mate you can poach them if you crack it into a bowl and microwave it for about 10 seconds. So he decides to put the whole egg in the microwave for about 1min!!! We warned him not too. So as he opens the door, the whole egg explodes with a massive loud bang throwing egg everywhere!!. Me and the other guy lost our shit and laughed so hard we woke half the hostel. Not only had egg gone everywhere

But a small piece of boiling hot egg shell flew right between my mates eye as it exploded and burnt a perfect triangle in the middle of his head! LOL there was a burn mark there the rest of the trip and everytime someone noticed it we told the whole story again!

Eventually we made our way out to Hakuba 47 for our second day riding.
Had some nice runs in the morning lots of fresh snow for us

In the afternoon my we ended up riding with a random fella we me, great bloke, and he showed us a few cool runs on Goryu. Did one little tree run of the side of a run near the top, and it was my first experience in deep deep pow grin
It was nearly chest deep and I was frothing! Was probably only about a 50m section. The guy was ahead of me and kept yelling back, stay high stay high, as it was a traverse, but it was too late I was low haha, took me a while to hike back out.
By the end of the day my legs were rooted from two days flat chat, and it was the first riding I had done since ’10 Aus season.
End of the day we cruised back to the hostel, and yet again a very messy night at the hostel bar with a pool comp, lots of drunk Jenga, and then going next door to 902. After talking to everyone we decided we were gonna get up early and make our way to Cortina the next morning smile

Dan83 - 22 February 2011 02:51 AM

Thanks for sharing smile  Look forward to the rest.

What sort of money was it to do the trip? Did you do it as a package, or book stuff separate?

Sorry i forgot to reply Dan!
Pretty much we took $2000 with us and that covered our liftpasses (6days), all food and beer 7nights accom Hakuba (paid i think $80 deposit at home first), 3 nights accom in Tokyo. I only spent needed to take out another $250 i think at the end of the trip cos we partied every night hard! and needed a bit of money for our last night in tokyo where we went to Womb (mad club!!) which was expensive to get in, i think $40 cos Sven Vath was djing, and did an all nigter.
We got flights for $750 return with jetstar. So pretty cheap all up. We booked everthing ourselves


nah he got all funny bout it and would take a pic blank stare


hahaha that egg story is gold! One you guys will never let him live down no doubt.

Was the $2000 inc the $750 flights? Or was it on top of that? Which would then make it about $3000 all up.

So you booked everything, flights, accomm etc individually yourself then hey?

Pretty good price for a 10 day odd trip to Japan! I really want to go next NH winter, but it may be the one after that. This gives me a rough idea though on pricing, thanks.

As a comparison, if anyone is also curious, I spent about $1500 inc everything on a 7 day NZ trip with 4 days riding. We did it on the relatively cheap though. A few beers in town but nearly all drinking was our duty free alcohol smile


the flights were on top of the $2k.
Yeh we booked everything ourselves and independatly. We may have been able to save money if we had of gone through someone line Mint Tours, but we wanted total flexibility to do what we want.
But yeh, pretty cheap for an amazing holiday.