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Can you do a mctwist on the frontside wall (off your toe edge) on a halfpipe or natural tranny? Or is a mctwist always off the heel edge and on the backside wall if on a pipe?
Well its a inverted backside 540 with a mute grab to control it. If you were super talented you could throw it toe edge but wouldn’t gravity make it difficult? If it was a toe edge McTwist it would be called an Alley-Oop McTwist
Thanks bkrtron. It’s because I remember someone posting a video of an Oz or Kiwi guy doing a double mctwist before Shaun did and did it on the frontside wall off the toe edge. And then also Nico’s trick in the art of flight where he took off that rock tranny off his toes and did a mctwist (well, it look like a mctwist) and land switch.
Well the short answer is yes.
But technically by the name “McTwist” only, no. (Or at least hasn’t been done yet to the best of my knowledge).
Like bkr said, the only way to do a McTwist off the toes is to do an Alley-Oop McTwist by spinning the opposite direction (opposite to how you would usually turn down a pipe).
HOWEVER, it IS possible to do an inverted 540 off the toes in the normal direction. It’s called a Crippler. (Makes you want to try one right??)
It’s not called a Frontside Mctwist because it’s actually a different flip. It’s a lean back and spin, rather than a throw forwards and spin kind of deal.
@andy: Hmm, ok that’s a bit confusing haha. So crippler would that trick that Ben Ferguson or Taylor Gold (can’t remember who did it) was doing on their first or 2nd hit on the recent halpipe competition? So basically, Mctwist is only a Mctwist if you’re doing it on a backside wall off the heel?
@andy: Hmm, ok that’s a bit confusing haha. So crippler would that trick that Ben Ferguson or Taylor Gold (can’t remember who did it) was doing on their first or 2nd hit on the recent halpipe competition? So basically, Mctwist is only a Mctwist if you’re doing it on a backside wall off the heel?
Yeah a McTwist is always backside heel edge.
I can’t hear it at work but this might help.
found a guide for the alley oop mctwist
Yeah so like I said and is shown in the last video.
- The only way to do a mctwist off the toes is to do an ally-oop mctwist.
- Doing a normal mctwist is on the backside wall off the heels
- A inverted 540 off the toes is called a crippler (rather than a frontside mctwist because the flip is thrown differently).
Sometimes when talking about flips, things get techy. To give an accurate answer, that’s as simplified as I can make it.
*I don’t want to say you can’t do it, because it may be possible and just hasn’t happened yet*
Yeah,half the time I’m watching a contest or a video part I have no idea what trick they’re doing once things get inverted.