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Getting back into skating


hi all

Just want a few tips
I used to skate when I was a teen, never much good I only used it to get around and cruise with friends. I could Ollie, and do little shovits and kickflips when stationary. I have ridden a little bit here and there since, but only just cruising the streets.
I wanted to get back into it for some fun, and to keep me doing stuff when i’m not at the snow and maybe work towards some tricks.

What size/type of board/trucks/wheels/bearings etc should I be looking for?
Am I best to just go to a skate shop and buy a complete setup or buy each part individually and chuck it all together?
I am a big dude so do I need anything in particular (6ft and 110kgs) - I don’t want to break a board!

Any advice would be awesome!


It would be easier to go in to store. It really depends on your budget to what you can buy and I personally prefer to build my own board for the fun factor. You can always go for decent gear with out killing your bank account even going for a shop board or a blank then build it from cheaper wheels, bearings and go for a good pair of trucks as they last for ever.

If your not going to go out every day just go for the cheaper options and ask the shop for a discount. Since your a big guy go for the wider boards for stability 8.0 wide.


just from checking out the boardworld store - something like this


Hey mate, what is your foot size? Thats probably more important for the board width.
I’d do 8.0 at a MINIMUM! Probably even move more towards 8.25 on your second board.
8.0 will be easier to learn on, but as you do more jumping on it at 110kg the risk of break will be higher. You are not likely to snap when learnin though. Most the time you will bail out of a trick or not land on the board. Its when you are getting more confident and trying to stomp a trick you can snap it. Or hucking down stairs/drops or landing heavy on boardslides.

That 8.1 will be a great for you. Good set up to start with. Cliche uses great wood so you can rely on the board lasting. I say get that!
But yeah, what is your foot size? if you have like size 13 feet i’d say maybe look for an 8.25


Spec wise, this is a better set up overall and bigger size. It comes with Thunder trucks (you wont need to upgrade these), and Spitfire wheels which will last for ages.

I’d say get either of these two, as you are getting better trucks, bearings and wheels


thanks for the help

I’m a size 12 shoe so yeah maybe wider is better. I don’t think I’ll be doing big drops or stairs or anything like that - I’m a pussy on concrete, only really looking to drop/Ollie off and up gutters and the like. maybe a few flat land tricks when cruising.


Well teh 8.1-125 will be easy to do flip tricks, but I think for your big feet go the 8.25
A lot of people try to push smaller boards but I feel 8.25 is a good size for ollies, cruising and grinding ledges n gutters etc. and you CAN still do kickys etc. Peolple can kicky a 10inch wide deck.
With size 12 shoes and your weight I’d go 8.25. you will appreciate the little extra room to work your feet around

Do you do any other board sports?

edit: just realised you just bought the YES board shaka


thanks mate

yeah just bought the Yes! I’m much more confident on water and snow (I bodyboard and surf too), concrete and tearing skin is no fun, I prefer a 2 wave hold down anyday

I’ve just moved house and my new area has some nice little hills and footpaths around so I’m keen to get back on the skater!


yeh sick. Well seeing your used to bigger boards ie snow/surf, you will feel much more confident and better learning curve on the bigger deck smile


how bout this one??

Only cause I like the graphics better than the aliens


It would be almost the same as the setups Brad (K2) listed above. The only difference is the deck, but there wouldn’t be much (if any) difference in quality as they are both very reputable brands. All the parts are really good. Thunder Trucks (usually sell for between $80 to $100 on their own), Spitfire wheels (they start at approx $50), all the other parts are good too. You really can’t go wrong with this setup, especially at that price. Eventually if you get a new deck, those trucks and wheels would convert straight over. I hope that helps.


That Complete is a bargain!!!!!

FKD Bearings and Jessop Grip are also top notch!!!!!

I hope ya got the last one though, as when I clicked on the link it said it was Out of Stock?????


must have - bought it just before!


Good timin!!!!! shaka


Good stuff, Jimmy. Let us know how you go. thumbsup


Board arrived Friday which which was awesome, took it out Saturday morning for a spin. went ok so I thought i’d try bombing a very small hill.. (like not even a hill just a road with an angle)

Fuck - it got very fast very quick, I must have tensed up cause I got death wobbles big time! nearly stacked it but managed to run it out. Tried again at the bottom of the hill (even smaller) and it happened again!

When I got the board out I had a quick ride around our unit block car park and the trucks were really loose, I tightened them up a bit so it felt more comfortable for me, but would this cause worse death wobbles? is looser better? Or is it just me?

I’m guessing I just need to get confidence and form back and ill be fine..