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Photography project - looking for skaters in Sydney

Hey guys,

Im working on getting together with skaters in Sydney who are keen to go out and shoot stills on the weekends.

Now I’m based in the city I’m trying to shoot new stuff rather then the waterskiing and wakeboard content I’m use to shooting.

Im looking for anyone thats keen to skate and go out and shoot. If you have any ideas or concepts for photos or a series of photos thats even better. I shoot purely for the fun and the chance to hang out and collaborate. So basically I’m free and willing to shoot all day, I’m also very happy to send the photos your way. 

If this sounds good feel free to conact me and yeah lets get to it. I have plenty of gear and a few go pros lying around to use.







Welcome to Boardworld, Dan! shaka

In addition, it’s always a good idea to head to the local skateparks and shoot skaters there. It’s an easy way to create relationships and meet new skaters. In my experience, there’s never any shortage of skaters looking to get some photography and filming happening.

It’s worth hitting up places like Waterloo Skatepark (great street course) or Bondi Skatepark (if you’re into shooting bowl).


Hey mate, welcome to BW!

Pretty much what rider26 said. Head to a park, chat to some guys and if your getting good vibes shoot them there. Its good practice as it will get you used to shooting skating. Then show them some of your shots. If they like them, ask if they have any street spots in mind they want to hit up.

Most the better skaters often have filmers/photogs they already work with and are usually pretty loyal too. Best to get onboard with some up’n'comers