The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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I’ve never been to Marulan race track before last weekend and I had no idea what Motard or Supermoto was.
Made heaps of new friends.
Normally they have an off road section but not at Marulan.
Sick photos man!
nice shots mate!
is this the rig you used to shoot with? h
Thats some #serious pro-age you are packing there spaz
I swore that Spaz was a Nikon fan?????
Is the video showing for anyone? It’s not on my phone.
It’s the first sports video I’ve done without using ActionCam footage in over 5years.
yeh shows for me. but have to do the click fast reply then click off for it to show
Cool, I’ve checked on my computer at home - the vid works.
Working for me. Good stuff, spaz!