The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Please don’t lynch me


so i’m a little scared to post this topic so please be nice….
So its hard to get by being a snowboard instructor, not that many snowboarders want lessons and after they can turn a lot of them think they’ve got the sport licked… i’ve given in an learnt to teach skiing as well.  anyways its pretty dull on the planks, left right straight and thats your lot really. so to combat this i’ve tried to just pretend that i’m actually snowboarding while on the skis. and guess what it actually works pretty well.  I took them in the park for a hiking session one evening and i was shocked to discover that ski park is pretty darn easy, down flat down box stomped multiple times (yeah i took a couple but hey), down box left foot forward, right foot forward, both lipslides…...anyway the point of this is just wondering if any other people on this site shred a little ski park or ski jibbery?

sorry if you’ve found my post offensive


I’m actually a skier and I would have to agree that it’s not that hard going from one snow sport to the other. I have found snowboarders that are good in the park tend to pick up park easy on skis. I am not a huge park person but I can grind rails, slide boxes, and jump in the park. I don’t much anymore because of injuries but I know how to teach it all seeing as though I’m an instructor and teach kids how to ride park as well.
I don’t think anyone would take offense to this. If they do then they need to realize that skiers and snowboarders can help each other out. Skiers have lots of knowledge that will better improve some snowboard techniques and skier can definitely learn from snowboarders and their style. It’s one of the reasons why I am on this site.


Ohhh you liar, Aidy. I’ve seen you get on skis even before you were teaching. Excuses, excuses… wink

I must admit I did get on skis one day this past season. I was awesome by the way.


I’m appalled!
OK not at all, really.
You gotta make money while working, so do what you gotta do!
Interesting to hear how easy the transition to skiing park was for you.
I never skied until after a couple years boarding. I put on some boots of a fellow instructor, and he challenged me to get out on the hill in skis, since I never had, and I did.
He basically said, I’m not going to tell you what to do, I’ll see if you figure it out.
No pizza wedging for me, I went right to parallel turns.
Honestly, from that time looking forward I had thought I would get on skis a few times a year and learn, I thought it would be kind of fum, really. But I’ve only skied maybe 5 times ever since then. and that’s not being out a whole day, of course. just a couple times down a short green run.

rider26 - 26 June 2009 08:33 AM

Ohhh you liar, Aidy. I’ve seen you get on skis even before you were teaching. Excuses, excuses… wink

I must admit I did get on skis one day this past season. I was awesome by the way.

pretty sure there are pictures of you being not awesome. ha


i feel in the interests of the boardworld community that the publishing of these photos immediately and in full is absolutely neccesary!


Haha I only skied for one day, just to prove to the skiers how easy it is. It was for the benefit of snowboarders all around the world. That one photo on me lying on the snow was a set-up.


I started out skiing at like age 2 or 3 ... like realllly young.. too young.. haha

anyway, I raced and competed till I was 12 or 13, then one day had a nasty run in with a GS gate. When I awoke my femur was broken and I never wanted to step onto skiis again. As a skateboarder, I had always pushed mongo, could never ollie and constantly watched skate movies wondering why I couldnt lock anything on a skate down(years later as a much better skateboarder I realise it was a combination of horrible physical shape ( iwas a biggggger kid), terrible coaching (the kid down the street obsessed with downhill skating didnt help) and a lack of will. I now skate whistler park everyday I get a chance..

sooo after realising skateboarding would take a long time to get any good at (it still is taking awhile…goddamit) , I steppedo na snowboard. Within a couple of days I could crack ollies, make turns and was eyying down the poorly constructed 5"long shotgun rail at our local “mountain”(glen eden has 3 lifts and takes a grand total of 30 seconds tops to get to the bottom…banger).

rest is history filled with snowboard movies, backyard sessions and goodtimes.

Shredlife - 27 June 2009 02:53 PM

I realise it was a combination of horrible physical shape ( iwas a biggggger kid

I still can’t picture that…

Shredlife - 27 June 2009 02:53 PM

I started out skiing at like age 2 or 3 ... like realllly young.. too young.. haha

anyway, I raced and competed till I was 12 or 13, then one day had a nasty run in with a GS gate. When I awoke my femur was broken and I never wanted to step onto skiis again. As a skateboarder, I had always pushed mongo, could never ollie and constantly watched skate movies wondering why I couldnt lock anything on a skate down(years later as a much better skateboarder I realise it was a combination of horrible physical shape ( iwas a biggggger kid), terrible coaching (the kid down the street obsessed with downhill skating didnt help) and a lack of will. I now skate whistler park everyday I get a chance..

sooo after realising skateboarding would take a long time to get any good at (it still is taking awhile…goddamit) , I steppedo na snowboard. Within a couple of days I could crack ollies, make turns and was eyying down the poorly constructed 5"long shotgun rail at our local “mountain”(glen eden has 3 lifts and takes a grand total of 30 seconds tops to get to the bottom…banger).

rest is history filled with snowboard movies, backyard sessions and goodtimes.

Beautiful story, Shredlife.
How about a new topic in ‘rider progression’ about Mongo and how to beat it!
You’re probably quite qualified for that and I’d like to be a part of such a discussion.
I dont really have any ideas on how to conquer that, I’ve just forced kids to do it right. I use the expression:
“It’s really hard to look cool when skating, but everyone has to learn it.”

rider26 - 27 June 2009 08:34 AM

Haha I only skied for one day, just to prove to the skiers how easy it is. It was for the benefit of snowboarders all around the world. That one photo on me lying on the snow was a set-up.

PHOTOS we need the photos!

snowslider - 27 June 2009 08:42 PM
rider26 - 27 June 2009 08:34 AM

Haha I only skied for one day, just to prove to the skiers how easy it is. It was for the benefit of snowboarders all around the world. That one photo on me lying on the snow was a set-up.

PHOTOS we need the photos!

I definitely have photos!!!! He wasn’t all that bad, definitely likes speed though


I’d dearly love to catch J on a pair of planks, i can just picture the style in my head!  ok i’m glad we’ve tracked down the phots and in fact this works well with another thought i’ve had about cool stuff for the site.  The photo on the home page is dope (its seymour isn’t it?) anyways dope shot, so how about having a pic of the day, we could start with some cool shots from pros or whatever but pretty soon i’m sure we could put up photos taken from and of boardworld members?  And who better to start with then our comander and chief (you know which photo i’m talking about!)

Aidy - 28 June 2009 05:17 AM

I’d dearly love to catch J on a pair of planks, i can just picture the style in my head!  ok i’m glad we’ve tracked down the phots and in fact this works well with another thought i’ve had about cool stuff for the site.  The photo on the home page is dope (its seymour isn’t it?) anyways dope shot, so how about having a pic of the day, we could start with some cool shots from pros or whatever but pretty soon i’m sure we could put up photos taken from and of boardworld members?  And who better to start with then our comander and chief (you know which photo i’m talking about!)

I think that is a great idea. I’m sure we could find some good photos to put up.

The photo on the home page was taken on grouse mountain the second largest ski hill on the northshore. Seymour is the smallest.


Hey Aidy, member photos is definately something I wanted to get up and running. It will be more like all the photos get submitted somewhere (either sent to me on email or in a thread here on the forums), then we pick the photo of the week which gets published on the website. There will then be a vote at the end of the season and the winner will win a big prize pack. Thoughts?


man have you got a fair few prize packs taking up all the space in your house or something!! nah good idea, i guess it depends on how many photos you get sent or are published on the forums? I mean if you get loads having a new one up everyday ( i’m not just creating work for you honest!) would be dope, everytime you log in it encourages you to scroll down the whole page to the photo so you checkout all the latest news and features.  Otherwise having it at the top of the page too would be dope as it’d be the first thing to hit you when you entered the site.  basically there are lots of different ways of doing most things like this…...if you had lots of photos you could have one everyday then maybe a photo of the week/month poll…just a few ideas