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2014 Burton SLX initial impression and problem


I like the boots. The speed zone lace I think is of better quality than my 2012 Driver X. The flex is perfect and it is comfy except for a few things. I can’t use my remind insoles because they are too thick and it pushes my foot up and creates discomfort on the bone on the top of my foot (medial cuneiform or navicular, can’t remember, have to brush up my anatomy). So I have to replace it with the original stock insole. So right now I’m not tightening my lower zone fully.

2nd problem is chafing at the heels. I don’t know what exactly caused it but I assume is from the internal J-bars. It got so bad on my left heel yesterday that I had to take a break and just sit at the lodge for an hour. I tried on different socks and messed around at home with how tight I should be lacing my liner and speedzone and it is a bit better now; but still there’s still a bit of chafing. I’m not sure if the problem will go away or not. Anyone else with 2014 burton boots have this problem (maybe it’s because of the new liner as well?) ?


I’m no help, sorry


I know Lano had major issues with his SLX’s and end up getting rid of them for a similar reason as you said.


is the chafing from your foot moving around or a pressure point on your heel?


@MarcD: From the heel very slightly moving around. I know you probably said it’s too big. But it’s the same size as my 2012 Driver X and the toe and midfoot area is even smaller than my DriverX.


The pressure point is more at the top of my foot which I fixed by removing my Reminds and using the stock insole.


Hey skip,

Not saying this will solve all your problems but this is what I would be doing.

Problem 1: Isn’t actually a problem as such, just a matter of time. We all know boots pack out after about 30 days of riding (give or take depending on the boots).
So hopefully it will just be a matter of riding them until they pack out and then switching to your custom liners when there is a bit more space in the boot. This will also help to keep them nice and snug after they have packed out. A lot of people do it this way as it’s the only way to make them fit cause they are so much thicker.

Problem 2: If there is chaffing, then there is (probably) too much movement. I’m not sure what steps you have taken to break in the boots so far, but maybe try heating them up with a hair dryer and then putting them on to heat mold them. People say this take 10 days of life away from the boots, but I really don’t care personally, cause they are the most annoying 10 days of the season any way LOL
I would rather sacrifice a few days, so I can get straight to riding well and comfortably.
But that’s a personal choice.

Hope they work out for you mate, I was gutted that I had to sell my Ions. Hopefully you can fix what you need to fix and enjoy them.


How many days have you done in them? Did you heat mould? Does the 2014 model have removable j-bars? If so, are they currently in? Which Remind model are you using?

I’m a big fan of the SXL. They are the perfect boots for my feet (and one of the best boots on the market in terms of quality). Anyway, enough about me haha. It’s weird they won’t work with your Remind Insoles. I’ve always used custom moulded footbeds in my SLX with no issues at all.

It sounds like these boots are fairly new? If so, they need to be broken in. Good boots are never perfect out of the box. I think finding an after-market insole that works with your feet/boots is key and will probably minimise the movement you are having now. It just sounds like the heelcup in your current insoles aren’t deep/low enough.


@Andy: Ya I hope I don’t have to sell these. Worse comes worse I just have to use my driver x liner instead of the slx liner haha.

@rider26: ‘ow many days have you done in them? Did you heat mould? Does the 2014 model have removable j-bars? If so, are they currently in? Which Remind model are you using?

- Just 1 day, but my first day on my Driver X, 2 seasons ago wasn’t as bad as my first day on the SLX

- No, I never heat mold my boots.
- They have internal j-bars, I don’t think they’re removable.
- The Cush, I think, the one with the travis rice graphic. I used them on my 2012 Driver X just fine, just this new 2014 boots have smaller toe box and midfoot area (based on what I felt). You should try them with yours and tell me what you think.


Considering he is in the Bahamas, i don’t think he will be trying on his boots anytime soon!


Oh yeah, forgot bout that ahaha


when I got my slx’s (09’s) I found the liners to be super painful. I ended up getting them switched for some ion liners…but I used an old pair of liners in them for their life span.
This year I switched to 32 lashed - and they are awesome, because my feet don’t hurt.

Anyways, if your heel is moving because it’s loose AND you haven’t broken the boots in, then you have a problem. when the boot packs out you’ll prob have even more movement. Oh wait, you’re using the stock insoles, so Andy’s suggestion of heat molding then using your Reminds might work. If it doesn’t though, it will be very hard to sell those boots.

I would do another day in them with your old liners and see how they do. If your heel still moves then sell them.


Sounds to me like they don’t fit your foot shape?????

Sell them and move on!!!!! Not worth the trouble they’ll give ya!!!!!

Did ya try them on before ya bought them, skip?????


Yeap I tried them in store and they felt good. I just walked around the house in the boots trying to break them in and the chafing is better now (less chafing). The next time I’m riding, I’m gonna try wearing them with the stock insole and see how it goes. Hopefully when the liner packs out enough I can put in my Reminds again. Or I might go to a store to heat mold them, we will see.


My first thought: you need to break them in before making any judgements about the boots. Straight out of the box they are stiff, standard shape, and not moulded to your feet. They need to pack out and mould to your foot. If you need to ride a few days without footbeds until they pack out, then do that.

Honestly, my boots are super painful for the first couple of weeks until they pack out properly. But then they feel awesome for the next 200+ days (which I did in my last SLX boots).


Yeah, I will ride a few days without my Reminds wait for the liner to pack out a bit and try them with the Reminds again. Just by walking around and flexing them at home feels much better already.

Thanks for the tips guys.