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~ Alcohol & the Coward Punch ~

Poll: Has alcohol got anythin to do with the Coward Punch?????
Total Votes: 18
A bit of both, so I’ll explain!!!!!

What’s ya opinion?????


I think the equation is

dickhead + alcohol = dickhead fighting
dickhead + dickhead = dickheads fighting
alcohol + alcohol = alcohol

So with my findings any thing with a dickhead in it ends up in a fight.


I’ll throw my 2 cents in there and add video games and movies with graphic violence to the equation.


Alcohol, encourages it. But im sure there are a lot of other drugs that have been increasing violence too. Speed, Ice etc are so common these days.

Thing is, the people who usually do the coward punches, or start fights in general, are often just that type of dick head any way. Alcohol just fuels it even more. But there is dick heads out there regardless.

We all know I can be a drunk, but I have never been in a fight, thrown a sucker punch or been punched. There is always a way out of those situations, violence isnt the answer. But the problem with our culture is that there is a lot of meatness out there

Tambo - 28 January 2014 01:05 PM

I’ll throw my 2 cents in there and add video games and movies with graphic violence to the equation.

Video games? I really dont believe that.
Go out in any pub/bar/club in Australia. Its not your typical “gamer” type that is out there anyway (they are playing COD all weekend haha),or if they do go out they are not usually the type to get physical.

Massive generalization of the gaming community there, I know.


Agree with bkrtron, dont agree with tambo.
Have a look at 95% of the recent offenders, they have something in common, what you ask? They are gym junkies that shoot up further than apolo 11 or they practice mma, ufc, or some other variant of combat sport. They are pig headed f**kwits who go out looking for fights to impress their mates.
If you are involved in an incident such as what we are talking about, and are found to be a participant in any form of combat sport, you should face heftier penalties, increased prison time & a life ban from all combat sports.


It’s well known that alcohol reduces inhibitions, so an already violent person may be more inclined to fight if they’d had a few drinks.  Personally I don’t think the use of alcohol (or other drugs) should diminish the legal responsibility of these arseholes.


Some times you don’t have a choice with certain people but to fight. They will back you in to a position of violence because you are fighting for your life not your ego. Australian males have the concept they need to be hard or out do the other males which is really a failure of society.

You can see this in the way a pack of males position themselves in a bar to look like they are dominating the area. It’s like a pack of wolves minus the pissing in the corner.These packs mostly have no girls in them to balance the group and add some estrogen in the mix or they have 4 guys to 2 girls which means the 2 single guys have the ability to be rude to other girls and hit on others blokes girlfriends. You get two groups and its too much testosterone in one area which ends up in a fight on the street. 

bkrtron - 28 January 2014 02:37 PM

Some times you don’t have a choice with certain people but to fight. They will back you in to a position of violence because you are fighting for your life not your ego. Australian males have the concept they need to be hard or out do the other males which is really a failure of society.

You can see this in the way a pack of males position themselves in a bar to look like they are dominating the area. It’s like a pack of wolves minus the pissing in the corner.These packs mostly have no girls in them to balance the group and add some estrogen in the mix or they have 4 guys to 2 girls which means the 2 single guys have the ability to be rude to other girls and hit on others blokes girlfriends. You get two groups and its too much testosterone in one area which ends up in a fight on the street.

Oh yeh, there is a difference between fighting and self defence

K2_TeacherBoy - 28 January 2014 01:36 PM

We all know I can be a drunk, but I have never been in a fight, thrown a sucker punch or been punched. There is always a way out of those situations, violence isnt the answer.

see bkrtron first post above!

Clearly you are not a dickhead!

(maybe save this post for prosperity wink )


I was typing and he beat me to the punch so didnt see his post before posting.

K2_TeacherBoy - 28 January 2014 03:32 PM

I was typing and he beat me to the punch so didnt see his post before posting.

No pun intended wink



ozgirl - 28 January 2014 03:41 PM
K2_TeacherBoy - 28 January 2014 03:32 PM

I was typing and he beat me to the punch so didnt see his post before posting.

No punch intended wink


I reckon alcohol definitely wouldn’t help the situation if someone is already impulsive and prone to aggression.
I agree with Dylan as well though re: the gym junkie stuff. Steroids (after long term use) are known to cause aggression issues and steroid use has increased massively over the last 2 years. As has the whole “aesthetics crew”/body builder tough guy trend.

Interesting the amount of media attention its getting though considering I wouldn’t exactly say it is something that’s happening regularly (or as regularly as the media is making out). Guess its because there have been deaths though.

air180 - 28 January 2014 05:24 PM

I reckon alcohol definitely wouldn’t help the situation if someone is already impulsive and prone to aggression.
I agree with Dylan as well though re: the gym junkie stuff. Steroids (after long term use) are known to cause aggression issues and steroid use has increased massively over the last 2 years. As has the whole “aesthetics crew”/body builder tough guy trend.

i feel like this is very much related to the popularity of music festivals and it being more bout the image than actual music