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The Line Up - Daily Chat :)

TJswish - 28 June 2013 10:00 PM

Thats awesome cords, glad you’re still loving the holiday life!

I can’t imagine ever not loving a holiday life! Can anyone else? lol

cords - 30 June 2013 10:57 PM
TJswish - 28 June 2013 10:00 PM

Thats awesome cords, glad you’re still loving the holiday life!

I can’t imagine ever not loving a holiday life! Can anyone else? lol

After 31 days of work in a row, I might start to question if it’s a holiday…


Had a week off in may for my birthday and england trip, I go back to work after these ten days off…work 4 days a week for 5 weeks, then we go to the US and Australia…no work between mid august until the end of november with much traveling and many adventures inbetween!

31 days in a row is a fair trade off, I reckon!

cords - 01 July 2013 05:31 PM

31 days in a row is a fair trade off, I reckon!


But TJ will probably understand more after he becomes a snow bum/proper traveller if he goes to Canada at the end of the year!

You work when you get it to travel as much as you can!


Yeah I get it, it just didn’t sound too fun lol.

If you look at cord’s year it’s been amazing already.

Or you can look at those 31 days which look pretty crappy.


I did whinge about those 31 days a bit but they weren’t that bad. I still got to go downhill mountain biking and just living in another country is better than being at home. lol


I am sooo bored and trying to get pumped for the weekend that I have cranked the Art of Flight soundtrack for the office to enjoy…

It seems it is not enough to have one song as my ring tone and one as my alarm…



Someone at my work has no taste…

They have closed their office door to my music!

Shame I can’t close their office door when they play their shitty music and annoy me…


Our team is hidden down in the back of a library in our dept so it is quiet as! The Art of Flight music rocks. I was just listening to Passive Me, Agressive You by The Naked and Famous, on my iPod of course.


Spending my last couple of hours in Melbourne before I head off to Europe for 3 Months. Pretty pumped, can’t sit still lol LOL First stop London.

If any of you guys want to see what I’m up to:


Have a good trip mate!


Have fun!!




Have a great trip mate!!

We expect a TR when you get back!


So I spotted Jez’s car at the skitube today