The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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That’s not you!!!!!
That’s Miguel Rodriguez, the guy that owns the burrito takeaway stand outside the nth gong pub!!!!!
Enjoying a very lazy rainy sunday… very happy the rain didn’t manage to ruin the Rugby 7’s last night, although walking home from the rugby club in heels at midnight possibly wasn’t the smartest idea I’ve ever had.
I’d contend that walking anywhere in heels isn’t ever a smart idea!
Not doing much today, cleaning up our house that is turning slowly into something more closely resembling a hovel…..doing some uni work & hopefully going snorkelling/fish collecting on low tide this arvo/evening.
Fred nearly got bitten by a Moray Eel on friday arvo when we were doing this. This was within 15m of the shoreline and in knee-deep water. He was looking at another fish under a rock and got a funny feeling. He looked down at his hand and there was the Moray Eel (head as big as his clenched fist) with its mouth open, teeth bared and 1cm from his hand. So crazy!
If you look up Moray eel bites on google images, you see pictures of hands completely shredded looking like mince meat!
If you look up Moray eel bites on google images, you see pictures of hands completely shredded looking like mince meat!
Just did! Holy crap!!!
I was always told to be aware of moray eels, they are a nasty preditor. Where were you?
Eeeew, why did I look that up…
I was always told to be aware of moray eels, they are a nasty preditor. Where were you?
Toowoon Bay….the most family-ish of family beaches in the area. As I said, we were not even 15 metres from the sand, in a very calm and mostly shallow part - an area where there are constantly families playing with babies etc.
As I also said, it was knee-deep at the most! I know these gross things are around but would never have expected them to be so close to shore or in such shallow water. When Fred came over to me looking fairly white in the face, I thought it must have been an octopus that had grabbed him!
A few weeks ago we discovered how amazing the snorkelling there was (crazy array of super cool fish - bream, whiting, garfish, blue groper, sergeant majors, mados, stripeys, white-ear damsels, catfish, pygmy leather jackets, weedfish, blackfish & there are heaps more I know I’ve forgotten) Every time we go we see something new - unfortunately this time the something new was scary as hell! It was only fred there as I was off chasing something else but earlier on we had both been at the same spot and doing a fair bit of poking around in the same hole after a massive shrimp and the same white ear….I guess we were just lucky Mr Moray didn’t come out that time! I reckon if it had been me, having a Moray eel that close to biting me would have been the end of my snorkelling for good!
Hey guys! Stop panicking, I’m still here.
Have been flat out for the past few weeks working on the house and stuff. Plus we don’t have the net connected for a few more weeks yet.
Just wanted to pop in and say “HI!!!!”
Hey mate!
Did you go out cable boarding?
Hi tills! *waves*
Not since Christmas. My mate went while he was in Cairns and tagged me to rub it in. Hehe.
Hey Billy!
Mixed bag today…
Windy, snow, sun! My early morning meant I had to come in early and have a nanna nap prior to this evening welcome party at Wild Bills!
Just back from the wake of Mrs Mizu’s other Nan!!!!!
She was 91 and had a great life, but suffered toward the end!!!!!
RIP Nan!!!!!
saw my nans on the weekend when i was up, their health are detiorating these days, sucks im so far away and dont get to spend time with them anymore.
My dad told me that on of my nans said to him she would rather be dead then have to live life like the way she is starting to live it… as much as it breaks my heart to hear it i completely understand where she is coming from.