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The Line Up - Daily Chat :)


Welcome to the community blackbanana!
Good to have you on board cool smile


I’m gonna start counting these :D


Halooo blackbanana!


So on twitter today i discovered that they were filming great Gatsby scenes very close to my house. I went home about lunch time and then went out again. In the afternoon a couple of paps were camped out at my bus stop.

Pretty cool


Sometimes it’s cool when Baz makes movies - because he gets famous visitors, and he’s my next door neighbour. smile


It is cool - I meet him when they were filming Moulin Rouge. I was working at a production house at the time.


would rather have met Ewan McGregor *swoooon* haha


Melbourne Cup Sweep for Boardworld anyone? have a look here!

cords - 26 October 2011 10:17 PM

would rather have met Ewan McGregor *swoooon* haha

Yes and that i did! Yes *swoon*!


they film winners and losers in a house 3 doors down from me.
Major inconvenience i can tell you that much.

Shut the streets down, cant park anywhere…pricks

ozgirl - 26 October 2011 08:58 PM

It is cool. . .

Sometimes it’s a pain in the arse too!

We’ve had paparazzi hiding in our mailbox alcove quite a bit, been kept awake until all hours by parties (which we wish we were invited to), and had to compete for parking spaces with waiting limousines.

Once I drove back into my street (Baz is at the very end of my cul-de-sac, BTW, and I’m next door) and was pissed of because it all was pretty much blocked. I had groceries to offload, so I decided to park illegally as near as possible to my front door. Baz’s gates opened just as I was about to turn around to park, and out came a brand new Mercedes 4WD with dark tinted windows. They’d come out a bit far, so turning was difficult for me - and I was pissed off, so my 5 point turn became a very slooooooowwwwww 15 point turn. To my surprise the driver of the other vehicle just waited patiently while I acted like an arsehole. Consequently, I felt guilty and apologised with a “sorry” wave as I hopped out of my car. The driver of the other car wound down his window and cheerfully said “No worries mate” as he drove off. Nice guy, that Hugh Jackman. smile


Haha K2, what were you doing at Baz’s place?


If it really was K2, he would’ve flown through the air before crashin into somethin!!!!!!

ozgirl - 26 October 2011 11:56 PM
cords - 26 October 2011 10:17 PM

would rather have met Ewan McGregor *swoooon* haha

Yes and that i did! Yes *swoon*!

ooh now I REALLY am jealous.
He’s up there with (the real!) Hugh Jackman…can sing, dance, act and seems like a decent guy who enjoys a laugh and loves his family. Ticks all the right boxes *swooooooon* Ewan also has a hot accent. haha

Did you get a photo or an autograph?


LOL bahahaha what can I say, im a nice bloke!