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Shredding Colorado

ozgirl - 27 November 2013 12:57 PM

Just further on the original question is for Aussies the convenience factor comes into play.

For us any resort you can fly into has got to be a good thing.

So Aspen, Steamboat - you can fly direct from LAX.

Places like Winter Park, Copper & Breck are super close to Denver Airport and renting a car there is pretty easy and cheap. I think Road tripping is a great idea.

Cheap accom at the last minute is easy to come by places like Motel 6 and the like which are closer to the resort than say Jindabyne is to our NSW ones. But not in the resort proper.

I think that’s a really good point. Having so many resorts in close proximity almost demands a car and road trips. Once you’re there, you might as well explore Summit County and get to as many resorts as you can.



Awesome thanks Ozgirl, really appreciate the feedback. Lots to work with there.


Sweet, sounds like the kind of place that will give back in spades if you have a vehicle to get around!

PS - To anyone asking about credit, we are always looking for writers, if you have any interest shoot us an email at


Ohhhh crap, that’d mean that I’d have to do somethin!!!!!

Count me out of the deal, STM!!!!!

* Plus I’ve already been told that my Engrish & Grandma Skills are pretty pathetic!!!!!


O i was hoping for credit for nothing LOL

deanobruce - 30 November 2013 02:40 PM

O i was hoping for credit for nothing LOL

nice wink


Love the state and the scenery, but the skiing / riding is too expensive if you don’t have a pass. The resorts along and near I-70 are pretty crowded, although extensive. They’re actually a good drive from the Denver Airport, 1.5+ hours to Breck, and a horrendous drive in bad weather or on weekends.

I like the various towns, Breck, Leadville, Salida, Silverton, CB, Aspen, etc., they’re all historic mining towns given a new lease on life from winter sports.

Best scenery would probably be the Silverton area, not to mention a unique ski area, spooky isolation (it’s the only incorporated town in the entire county, and from what I hear, the nearest full-time doctor is 50 miles away, over two mountain passes). Aspen and Crested Butte are at their best in the fall, with a world-famous display of leaves.

And a brief mention of Taos, which is across the state border in New Mexico. They banned snowboarding for many years, but the mighty $$$ got them to open to snowboarders. The surroundings are unique for the US, some of the greatest scenery on the planet, with an old 12th century pueblo nearby, distinctive local cuisine heavy on the chile, and the mountain is deep and steep. In my neck of the woods.


SnowTravelMag - 27 November 2013 09:12 AM

Hey guys, my name is Patrick and I’m the editor and founder at Snow Travel Magazine, I was really hoping to get some feedback on the best resorts (both big and small) in Colorado and why? So, if you’ve spent a bit of time over there would really appreciate the feedback for an upcoming issue.



Hi Pat, It’s Billy - from Hakuba in 2012!

Welcome to BW!

.... I hope you left those Duvels back at Master Braster!!! billy wink