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Shredding Colorado


Hey guys, my name is Patrick and I’m the editor and founder at Snow Travel Magazine, I was really hoping to get some feedback on the best resorts (both big and small) in Colorado and why? So, if you’ve spent a bit of time over there would really appreciate the feedback for an upcoming issue.




Sure what would you like to know?

I lived at Winter Park in Colorado and been to a few of the resorts in the state.


Really just looking for an idea of the best resorts in the state of Colorado, obviosuly we’ve all heard of the big ones, but yeah a bit of feedback on some of the lesser known resorts would be awesome, would give us a good starting point for our next issue. ollie


I love Copper Mountain, I sing its praises all the time!

Its not a party village (although I have only ever done day trips not stayed overnight)

But awesome rollers everywhere and a great parks (which is reports from others I am not a park rat!)

re the Rollers, imagine Rollercoaster in Perisher on steroids and all around the whole resort! 

The have great tree runs - nice open glades everywhere.

I will always have a soft spot for Winter Park and I think it is great for families. But I found the resort to be built on a weird fall line. Mary Jane (Winter Parks other peak) was awesome loved it there but it is known for its moguls so most of the awesome runs there (with better fall lines) are bumped out to the max.

Their Bowls are pretty sweet as well but if you go a few days without fresh snow then your back on the groomers…

I also loved Aspen - but so does everyone else! I think the thing to note about Aspen is that you can do it on the cheap!

Steamboat was amazing as well but it has been a LONG time since I have been there - 18 years!!! I was supposed to go back in Feb/Mar but its probably not going to happen :-( 


Question - how do I read your mag if I don’t have an iphone?


Does she get her name in the issue for providing info/experiences?


Do I get my name in the issue for reading this thread?????

deanobruce - 27 November 2013 10:54 AM

Does she get her name in the issue for providing info/experiences?

I don’t want credit…


I do!!!!!


Hey Patrick,

I spent half a season living in Breckenridge and riding the other resorts.

Breck has amazing parks and I can understand why a lot of park riders call it home.

Aspen Snowmass was a really fun experience, but super expensive. The mountains were great though, especially Aspen Highlands for freeriding.

A-basin and Keystone were really good from memory too. We had an awesome powder day at Keystone, just lapping through the trees all day.

But overall, the highlight for me had to be Vail. It’s the biggest resort with the most freeriding variation on offer. You have three mountain faces, including the world-renowned Back Bowls, and Blue Sky Basin. The Back Bowls are epic on a powder day; huge open bowls that just collect all the snow. There’s just so much on offer at this glitzy resort. The parks are pretty top-notch too.


Hmmm Interesting Rider!

I love Aspen (and as I said you can do it on the cheap!)

And I didn’t like Vail at all! (although I was there at the end of the season so can’t really rate the terrain) The Village was a gilizty turn off! It was like Disneyland but not in a good way. I found it creepy! LOL

I have heard very good thing about Breck and want to go some day!


Can i get credit?


How much do ya need?????

ozgirl - 27 November 2013 11:32 AM

Hmmm Interesting Rider!

I love Aspen (and as I said you can do it on the cheap!)

And I didn’t like Vail at all! (although I was there at the end of the season so can’t really rate the terrain) The Village was a gilizty turn off! It was like Disneyland but not in a good way. I found it creepy! LOL

I have heard very good thing about Breck and want to go some day!

I didn’t really do much in the village other than get off the bus and walk to the mountain, so I can’t comment on that.


You what was the craziest thing about Vail?

The fact that you just exit a 6 lane freeway and you are in the Village! And you drive into the multi level carpark which is also right smack against the freeway!


Just further on the original question is for Aussies the convenience factor comes into play.

For us any resort you can fly into has got to be a good thing.

So Aspen, Steamboat - you can fly direct from LAX.

Places like Winter Park, Copper & Breck are super close to Denver Airport and renting a car there is pretty easy and cheap. I think Road tripping is a great idea.

Cheap accom at the last minute is easy to come by places like Motel 6 and the like which are closer to the resort than say Jindabyne is to our NSW ones. But not in the resort proper.