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Deck Shape Question


Ok 2 questions really.

What’s your favourite deck shape and why?

And What I really want to know is…

WHY do a lot of decks taper in at the tail? ie the deck gets narrower the closer it gets to the tail…. Both of my decks do this… Why?
It makes no sense to me but obviously there’s a reason like flip tricks or something? Maybe? Weight? I have no idea.


Well Andy,

Let’s start by answering your second question first.
The tapered shape generally makes nollie and switch tricks easier. Reason for this is that most people are weaker with their nollie/switch flick foot, the less surface area for the foot to flick off the easier to flip the board.
I am sure you are familiar with asymmetrical side cuts on snowboards to help with the heel side being able to carve better. Kind of the same principle.
I know Corey Duffel has it on his pro boards, a really big taper.

Personally not a fan of the tapered shape.

My personal preference in deck shape is round nose and tail. A long nose, medium tail and average wheel base. Topped off with a medium concave, just enough to cup the feet and give some nice pop.


AHHHH, yeah that makes sense.
Although I think I’m with you, not a fan of the tapered shape. But then again, the only thing I can do on the nose is a nose stall or nose manual so maybe it will be more important to me later.
Hmm… I should probably start trying more nollies…


I like a big nose on my board. More room to work with. And because when you nollie (well I do anyway) my foot is not doing the exact opposite to an ollie. It is more in the pocket/closer to bolts and my toes are facing forward still. So need more room to work with.
Make sense?


Yep, I guess I would have figured this out if I ever nollied lol.

Funny thing is I love to nollie on a snowboard. I think I will have to spend a lot of time before they feel comfortable on a skateboard though.
Maybe a good Nollie can be my next trick to learn. Seems easier than flip tricks and 180s.


I know what you mean K2, the big nose with a bit of concave really does allow you to put your foot like that. Helps with the nollie pop I find. A deck that I had that really allowed that was a Folklore 8” cold press deck. Never had my nollies that good.

Andy I totally agree with you doing nollies on a snowboard, I absolutely love doing nollies on a snowboard and do them far better than on a skateboard. Just an amazing feeling.