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“Pop & Twist” - A story about Deano’s ankle

ozgirl - 08 November 2013 10:30 AM
Mizu Kuma - 08 November 2013 10:26 AM


Sounds like fun!!!!!

And really bad for your kidneys… brutal stuff.

I’ll stick to the alcohol then!!!!!


Alright guys & gals i have some brutal news, it appears Deano is just faking it for the sympathy!!!
I have proof that his ankle always went that way!

What do you have to say for yourself mr bruce…??


Bloody hell!!!!!

I’m keepin the bottle of Grey Goose for myself now!!!!!

And the UE Boom if I win one!!!!!


Deano = Steez


I was flying a kite, had to do those stupid entrances to the reception. so i decided to slide in on my knees and fly kites   LOL

But if you look closely, dick, my lower leg is pointing the same way as my foot…that wasnt the case at Factory 6 smirk