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KARMA - Is it real?????

Poll: Do you believe in Karma?????
Total Votes: 14
Yep, sure do!!!!!
Nah, it’s as real as Santa Clause!!!!!
I only believe in Jeremy!!!!!
beachndogs - 30 October 2013 01:12 AM

this hippy believes in both santa and karma LOL

this one too



If you don’t believe in Santa then you can’t you to get presents from him… and would a hippy truly believe in our modern consumer santa anyway?

On karma:
It’s my understanding that it means “balanced”, that things are neither good or bad.
One cannot have “good” karma or “bad” karma - just “karma”

The idea is when we perceive something as being bad (or good) we are thinking wrongly. Karma donates that it is just a thing, both bad and good.

Western ways of thinking has trouble understanding the concept and our take on the word Karma has a different meaning - that a deed will be returned to us the way it was dealt.
That is not what KARMA is.

Feel free to correct me.
I accept that this thread is about the western idea of karma but thought I would throw the real concept in.