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Conspiracy Theories

cords - 31 October 2013 11:42 AM

yeah I saw something once about the 3rd building that came down and how it didn’t make any sense that it would have come down unless it had been planned to.

no idea though.

Apparently the first and second buildings were also planned and the plane we saw on tv hitting the second was a hoax as well.
AND the pentagon was hit by a missile not a plane.

Tambo - 31 October 2013 04:13 PM
Mizu Kuma - 31 October 2013 02:17 PM

I missed that one, but I’ve already made my mind up a long time ago about Animal Fats as opposed to ones that have been made in a Laboratory!!!!!

Humans have been eatin Animal Fats (Along with countless other species also), for yonks!!!!! Then all of a sudden we are told that they’re no good for us?????

You outta be congratulated, Meadow Lea!!!!! LOL

ABC iview.

So I watched it last night!!!!! Good show!!!!!

I wonder how long it’ll be before they do a similar one on GCC?????

Azz - 31 October 2013 07:39 PM

How bloody good is that show!!!!

I have to have a bib on, cause I drool that much watching it drool

Was an awesome episode last night!!!!!

Saw heaps of stuff that we saw when we went to Kyoto!!!!!