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Factory 6 Opening Night


Hey everyone!

So, Factory 6 is finally opening! This place has literally taken us a year to build. We have put all of our money, our time, our skills and passion into creating this space and we can’t wait to get people in it.

Factory 6 Creative Space is a warehouse that we have converted into something we have dreamt of for years. Tristan has designed and built a mini ramp on a mezzanine level, not too mention a handful of ramps and rails placed all over the factory. Underneath the ramp is our art gallery, where we will showcase local artists and provide a space for kids to do their street art on legal terms. We also aim to hold skate schools, street art classes and of course it is where we work out of for our brand, Chimp Clothing.

Factory 6 and Chimp Clothing aren’t about making money. We don’t do it for that cos frankly, we don’t got any. We have built this because we love skating and we love snowboarding. We love the people we meet, the things we can create and the community that we build. We want to build a community based on creativity, positivity, tolerance and appreciation and we want to share it with as many people as we can. We want to give disadvantaged kids the opportunity to skate and snowboard, learn how to draw and hopefully provide a positive space where people can just be.

We would all love for you to come and celebrate the opening night with us. There will be live music, live art from some dope local artists who are ridiculously talented and a little BBQ. And of course, the infamous ramp will be free for anyone to skate on. Please feel free to bring anyone who you think will enjoy the space! There is plenty of free parking.

It starts from 3pm onwards and will go til late. See event poster below.
We hope to see you there!
Kris, Ben and Tristan.


can you move the whole thing down to melbourne for a party for us mexicans too smile
Sounds like it will be rad!! Good luck with it all!

trentradpants - 22 October 2013 04:08 PM

can you move the whole thing down to melbourne for a party for us mexicans too smile
Sounds like it will be rad!! Good luck with it all!

HAHA thanks, mate! Next time you’re in Sydney you must come and check it out.


Such an awesome thing you guys are doing for the community, if only something like this was around when i was younger!
And I’m sure we’ve already established this, but yes, i will be there cheese thumbsup shaka

DylanV - 22 October 2013 04:23 PM

Such an awesome thing you guys are doing for the community, if only something like this was around when i was younger!
And I’m sure we’ve already established this, but yes, i will be there cheese thumbsup shaka



Count me in. I will be there. Can’t wait.  rocker

I’ll be bringing 5 cases of Carlton Dry too! billy

Kris, your post says 3pm but the poster says 4pm. Which is it?


Nice one I’m not a skater at all but this sounds like a great project. I had no idea this was going on just down the road at Kurnell!

Unfortunately I’m committed to an engagement party that night but I’m sure you’ll all have a great night and I’ll be sure to check the local toilets for Dylan in the morning!

rider26 - 22 October 2013 05:54 PM

Count me in. I will be there. Can’t wait.  rocker

I’ll be bringing 5 cases of Carlton Dry too! billy

Kris, your post says 3pm but the poster says 4pm. Which is it?

3pm for Boardworld members ;P


I’ll be there at 2pm. Haha wink


Argh i have a 21st in Gymea…mayh come down before hand!


So pumped! Who’s coming to this?

rider26 - 30 October 2013 08:53 PM

So pumped! Who’s coming to this?

You are now that I reminded you today LOL



Ohhhhh they have a mini ramp! I LOVE MINI RAMPS!!

I wish it was a bit closer to me…. It’s quite Far Kurnell…...  smirk

Andy Aitken - 30 October 2013 09:53 PM

Far Kurnell…...  smirk

Far Kurnell…...fark urn ell…..... fark en hell !!!!!!!!


Dammit - I have a double shift on Saturday, in Wollongong, starting in the afternoon.

I had asked not to be rostered on but no other staff can cover the shift/s.
And the money is needed.


Spewing, i have mates bday at night, but if i find transportation to get down will def visit for an hour or two during the day