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Edge not flush with base, not to worry?


This is the best pic I can take, tried bunch of times all ended up blurry. You can see that there is a very very slight gap between the metal edge and the base. Is this fine? Nothing to worry about?


Shouldn’t be like that!!!!!

Is it new????? I’d go for a Warranty!!!!!

Not new????? I’d fill it/get it filled, so ya don’t get moisture seepage!!!!!


Its brand new I’m pretty sure. Warranty for sure!


Yep it’s brand new, I really don’t want to go through all the hassle of sending the board back + I already put on the crab grab stomp pad.


How do I get it filled? I just sent an email to Never Summer though.


Ahhh, your new Proto!!!!!

Either take it to a shop so they can PTex it properly, or use an epoxy resin to fill it up!!!!!

By the looks of the pic, it doesn’t look that big, but best to make sure it won’t lead to further damage!!!!!

skip11 - 22 October 2013 09:21 AM

How do I get it filled? I just sent an email to Never Summer though.

Best thing to do!!!!!

You could Prob even get them to pay for a board shop to do the repair?????

Save you both the drama!!!!!


Yeah, I’ll see what NS has to say then I’ll probably take it to the shop


Is that a physical gap, i.e. can you stick you nail in it? Or has it already been filled in with glue, i.e. it looks like a gap but you can’t stick your nail in? I assume it’s an actual gap based on your responses, in which case it’s a manufacturing defect and needs to be fixed.


Here’s what NS has to say:

Hey Rico,

Thank you for you purchase.  Edge gaps are common and more visible on colored bases.  We try to maintain very high standards but each board is different and all are hand made.  We try to ensure that each board shipped to shops passes a 20 point inspection under accepatable variances.  Your board is a slight gap and would pass to be shipped to a store.  Where did you purchase the board?

The edges are bent and formed around the base with the craftsman pushing the edge against the base as tight as possible and than clamped down/glued.  However, when the board is pressed the edge pushes away from the base. When it is pressed the glue is also pushing out sealing the board.  Additionally there is a perimeter layer of rubber around the edge and between the fiberglass/wood core.  This is the black you are seeing between the edge and blue base.  That is why it’s more visible than say it would be on a black base. Being pressed at a high temperature melts this rubber sealing and bonding the entire edge to other materials.  This is purely cosmetic and won’t effect the structurally integrity or rideof the board.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Vince Sanders-Warranty Returns/Repairs


@rider26: I can very barely stick my nail in it (just the very tip), I can’t event pick up the wax scraping that is stuck in there with my nail.


I wouldn’t worry about it then. I thought it might have been worse based on what you were saying. Having a visual gap like that is fairly common actually. It would more be a problem if there was a considerable physical gap, but as long as it’s all sealed as they suggest in the email, I wouldn’t think twice about it. I’ve seen this a lot on boards from all different brands, but I’ve never seen one that wasn’t sealed.


Thanks Jeremy!


It might leave it open as an anchor point if ya hit a rock/branch/whatever, though?????


He can barely get the tip of his nail in it. Anyway, he’s got a photo from when he purchased, plus he’s got record of contacting them before using the board, so if anything happens at that exact point with the edge coming away, I’m sure they would look after him under warranty. It’s really not worth sending in for such a cosmetic issue. Plus, I’m sure the store won’t mind sealing it up with a bit of epoxy, if he’s still concerned about it.


Yeah, if it were mine, I’d just seal it with a bit of Araldite to make sure of it!!!!!

I def wouldn’t waste the time sendin back!!!!!