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Tambo - 22 October 2013 07:26 AM

nothing on this guy
Coolest Pollie ever. On it!

True, they’re nothing alike. Tony Abbott is all substance, whereas Cory Booker is all spin.

Cory Booker represents the politician Kevin Rudd desperately wanted to be (but failed miserably in his effort), a flashy, larger than life showman - the ultimate dodgy snake oil salesman. Evidently, that kind of ‘spin over substance’ personality driven style of campaigning is what appeals most to the left-wing - who gullibly approach political elections like they’re voting for the winner of a TV reality show.


’ The state Liberal government, following on from the previous Labor government reductions, announced in last year’s budget that it was cutting staff funding to the RFS by $11.7 million over four years. The move is expected to axe at least 120 jobs, or 1 in 8 full-time positions.

The state government also wound back the Rural Fire Fighting Fund, which helps pay for a range of RFS operations, by $8 million—from $271 million to $263 million for 2012-2013. In addition, it is cutting NSW Fire and Emergency, which employs most of the state’s full-time fire-fighters, by $70 million over the next four years’

At least the pollies are out there for their photo ops right?


Tony is Federal, and even besides that, he’s been an active member of the Volunteer Brigade before Kevin shook his first Sauce Bottle!!!!!

And is there any info if those cuts are to the management/organisational structure, or to actual ground troops?????


Accusing Tony Abbott of simply using his RFS involvement (he’s been a volunteer firey with his local brigade since 2001) as a “photo op” is such an ignorant, inaccurate cheap shot. Almost as ridiculously asinine as the leftards blaming these fires on LNP climate change policies. The desperation and hypocrisy of the left and the levels to which they will stoop is truly pathetic.

Oh, and there’d be no need for cost-cutting if the state Labor/Green alliance hadn’t made such a mess of NSW in the first place.


Yeh, pretty sure that photo of tony was taken during a 14 hour volunteer shift… (pretty long time,to,hang around for a ‘photo op’ in my opinion..)


More pollies should put their lives on the line.


This is non-pollie related butt… my family got filmed by Today Tonight, today… for tonight hahaha. Preparing their house for bushfires and evacuating etc.

I think that’s a bit of a laugh raspberry finally a reason to watch that program.




Be careful Ash, you will be less intelligent afterwards downer


I dunno if Today Tonight can break through my shield of skepticism and deep-rooted hatred of their kind of “journalism” raspberry


thumbsup  thumbsup

Tambo - 24 October 2013 09:01 PM

getting bigger


That explains why it’s so hot at the mo!!!!!


Haha I was quite hesitant to click a link titled “getting bigger”

but damn that is gold!!!