The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


A question for our community members


Hey guys,

Just wanting a bit of feedback regarding the news feed on the snow homepage:

Do you check the snow homepage often? Do you watch the videos?

How often to you check into the snow homepage?

Is there anything else you would like to see on there?

I have tried to keep it to really good video clips, contest results, photos of the week etc.

Any feedback would be appreciated and obviously it helps us put out a better product.

Thank you. smile


I always enter the site through the homepage, scroll through the videos and photos, and watch the odd video.

I was only thinking about it yesterday; that this is only site I regularly visit that I have the hompage bookmarked and don’t use a bookmark to jump straight to my favorite part of the site.

I don’t pay much attention to the FaceBook and Twitter feed.
I would rather a forum feed of the latest postings.

I must say the current video on the top had me chuffed.
I don’t get many views from the embed of my Daily Run (during winter) maybe 3 for the season!!! So I would like to see that on the homepage or a direct link to it instead of it being hidden away.

And a featured section of the site. Like a page I haven’t visited for a while or that new info has been added too.


I enter via the main page, have a quick browse, rarely watch videos on there.

I use the facebook thingy, so I quite often watch the vids from there instead. I always had a look at the photo comp winners when they went up. I love how having the winners pics as part of a “package” ie a snowboarding website, really makes them stand out and come to life. Like if they were to published in a mag would be sick.

A forum feed would be a great idea, the concept of 24/7 spazcam scares me big surprise


I’ve thought about spazcam - not 24/7 but when your a spaz there are times when life can be entertaining.
Like when I lived with a fairy, man things where so weird then, people need to see that stuff because when I say it they just think I make it up.


i check out the movies ya got posted there and i find out alot off facebook aswell


Always lookin, to see whats on and whats new…..


Hmmm, actually I go straight to the forums!


Thank you for the feedback everyone. Please keep it coming…

spaz, I’ll be in touch with you re: snocam videos for next season.


Yeah I’ve got the forums bookmarked so always just come straight in but as others have said I get all the vids etc when you post them up on facebook.


Yeah our Facebook page is really popular so I post a lot of stuff on there. I’m not sure if that takes people away form the homepage? 19,000 fans in less than 12 months - I’m really happy with that though. I try to only post the best stuff to the homepage. I guess it’s something I am working on; I want people to want to check the homepage for new content. Thanks for the feedback.


yeah I come straight to the forums, and watch vids from the facebook feed.


I always start at the homepage but usually just click straight on the forums. Occasionally I watch a vid and I usually always check the photos of the week. I also check vids and stuff on facebook fairly regularly.