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That is probably why IT people make good money.
I wonder how many peoples problems are fixed after being told to off/on?

Tambo - 09 October 2013 07:36 AM
TJswish - 08 October 2013 09:46 PM

Rasberry Pi + XBMC.

So much cheaper and easier to use once setup.

I never heard of one, so I looked it up. Funny how things that are meant to make life easier are so far over most people’s heads. This looks like a great little product, but like apple TV, for most people, older and young, unless you have a real interest in gadgetry, technology, this would require someone to set it up for them. It amazes me that I still get phone calls from people asking “how do you do _____?”, when that person has the same opportunities to get on the web and search for the answer.

Back to the fruit though, what’s the regular cost, and how is it easier? (NOT doing exactly what I just criticised, cos I could research, I’m asking TJ’s opinion smile )

Cost is $42 inc postage.

XBMC is just a really easy to use system that can be modded to have lots of information about your movies / shows etc and is a point and click system. You can install a remote app on your iphone or android phone / tablet which can control it (or use a keyboard via USB) and it can be connected to a hard drive, computer or server by network and therefore has a minimal footprint in your house. It’s also the size of a credit card!


XBMC is the bees knees when it comes to media playback/management. I’ve been using it ever since it was in alpha stages as XBMP (Xbox Media Player) back when the first xbox was modchipped (which on a side note was a very handy money making side job in my early 20’s) and it continues to evolve.

Running a HTPC is indisputably the most powerful/versatile home entertainment setup you can get.

I can’t argue the fact that they are daunting to setup/configure although it’s got much much easier as the years have gone but I built some real doozies in the early days.

However once setup everything is automated and going back to any other form of media player is a big step back in usability, playback quality and presentation.

Essentially my setup consists of a HTPC, which uses Windows Media Centre for livetv/timeshifting/scheduling recordings and streaming tv to my other portable devices. A combination of SABNZBD, SickBeard, Couchpotato and Headphones to automatically obtain my media (tv/movies/music) which is then automatically renamed/sorted/metadata/trailers downloaded. Finally XBMC is used for playback of just about any media format displaying all of the medias metadata in an attractive format.  There’s also hundreds of addons available for XBMC which lets you stream all sorts of internet based media (pay per view, international sports etc) Add to that the video card performing certain post processing to enhance picture quality. All of the above can be controlled by any internet or WIFI connected device I’m on.

It still wows mates when they come over and they use a variety of wdtv/appletv style products.


This ^ ^


I’m not sure what the Apple TV can’t do as opposed to that setup?????

Maybe I’m missin somethin?????

TJswish - 09 October 2013 10:47 AM

This ^ ^

Nerds in this thread!  raspberry

I forgot to add devices like the rasberryPI TJ mentioned as well as android USB sticks, self booting linux/xbmc usb sticks (which can be plugged into pretty much any PC) or even jailbroken AppleTV’s can all run XBMC just with a reduced feature set compared to a HTPC.

It certainly counters some of the big downsides of a HTPC setup i.e cost of entry and initial technical setup.

Mizu Kuma - 09 October 2013 10:54 AM

Maybe I’m missin somethin?????


Don’t get me wrong I’m stoked that you are happy with your AppleTV but you did originally ask what others were using and media playback/management is something I’ve been tinkering with for as long as I can remember.

*I work with AppleTV’s most days at work..


I should also state that as sad as it is to admit I’m holding a bit of hope that one day soon something can convince the big video media distribution companies to stop living in the past and evolve like the music industry had to mostly due to….. iTunes!!!! (with a helpful hand from napster/torrents etc) Apple is probably still our best chance at getting this done.

The current situation of region blocks, cabletv, ppv, amazon, netflix, hbo, youtube, vimeo etc is a joke. Game of thrones is the most heavily pirated show in history not just because it’s a damned good show but because it’s next to impossible for people to view legally in any reasonable timeframe. HBO has got itself entangled in the mess of Americas cabletv subscription system.


Totally agree. Itunes is a godsend to pushing the TV companies to improve. Same with Google Fibre in the states pushing internet companies to be better!

Can’t wait for movie releases to be world wide either and not 3 months late in countries like Aus (apparantly 1st world). Sometimes you can torrent a DVD-Rip before it comes out at the movies…

drc13 - 09 October 2013 10:55 AM
Mizu Kuma - 09 October 2013 10:54 AM

Maybe I’m missin somethin?????


Don’t get me wrong I’m stoked that you are happy with your AppleTV but you did originally ask what others were using and media playback/management is something I’ve been tinkering with for as long as I can remember.

*I work with AppleTV’s most days at work..

I didn’t need you to tell me that I was missin somethin!!!!!

I asked if someone would tell me what I was missin!!!!! That’s why I used the question marks!!!!!

I also asked what others were usin, and you said the setup that you used was better than anythin!!!!!

Hence why I asked what it does that an Apple TV doesn’t, or for that matter a WD TV?????


that’s all reasonable. still sticking with the apple tv, as it suits. That’s the thing hey, find what suits, stick with it, if it doesn’t, change it, and if you want to try something different because you just want to, do it.
I love looking at new gadgets, trying them out, but mostly i come back to the KISS gadgets, apple tv being one in our house, kids use it, we use it, I think the nocturnal animal even uses it.  thumbsup

Tambo - 09 October 2013 12:25 PM

I think the nocturnal animal even uses it.  thumbsup

Pretty sure Azz has said that he uses it on a regular basis!!!!!

Ohhh, you were talkin about Apple TV!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 09 October 2013 12:28 PM

Pretty sure Azz has said that he uses it on a regular basis!!!!!

Mate….... it gets a bigger work out than anything else around here !!!

Mizu Kuma - 09 October 2013 12:28 PM
Tambo - 09 October 2013 12:25 PM

I think the nocturnal animal even uses it.  thumbsup

Pretty sure Azz has said that he uses it on a regular basis!!!!!

Ohhh, you were talkin about Apple TV!!!!!

the nocturnal animal is Fishmunga. he only comes out of his room after we’ve headed off to bed. Teenage boy!

Azz - 09 October 2013 01:00 PM
Mizu Kuma - 09 October 2013 12:28 PM

Pretty sure Azz has said that he uses it on a regular basis!!!!!

Mate….... it gets a bigger work out than anything else around here !!!

You mow the lawn at night?????

Tambo - 09 October 2013 01:08 PM
Mizu Kuma - 09 October 2013 12:28 PM
Tambo - 09 October 2013 12:25 PM

I think the nocturnal animal even uses it.  thumbsup

Pretty sure Azz has said that he uses it on a regular basis!!!!!

Ohhh, you were talkin about Apple TV!!!!!

the nocturnal animal is Fishmunga. he only comes out of his room after we’ve headed off to bed. Teenage boy!

I wondered what that scratching noise was!!!!!