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Big crash out the front of my work yesterday


Bunch of guys came running over to my office saying the building across the road was on fire!!

Went to have a look and a petrol tanker had lost control, rolled and taken out 3 cars with it, all blowing into massive fire balls.

Scary shit!!

Drive safe out there, and dont fuck with trucks…


gulp holey shit!


Some of the worst drivers are the ones who see a gap in front of a truck and jot in there. The truck is leaving room because they need that room to stop. You’re pretty much putting your life in the truck drivers ability to stop faster than they think they physically can!

TJswish - 02 October 2013 01:25 PM

Some of the worst drivers are the ones who see a gap in front of a truck and jot in there. The truck is leaving room because they need that room to stop. You’re pretty much putting your life in the truck drivers ability to stop faster than they think they physically can!

See that all the time, down right stupid!!


I was in Mona when it happened.. Drove through there not 5-10 mins earlier to take mr.h0z to a job..  Apparently the truck came down Mona vale rd. And its breaks failed so he was on the other side of the road, beeping and flashing his lights.. Made it through the round about, rolled and slid up the hill toward the rsl… My mates photo made front page of the telegraph.. He was one of the first there… So sad that 2 people died, and you gota feel for the truck driver…  They closed Mona vale rd off pretty quickly..

h0z - 02 October 2013 03:16 PM

I was in Mona when it happened.. Drove through there not 5-10 mins earlier to take mr.h0z to a job..  Apparently the truck came down Mona vale rd. And its breaks failed so he was on the other side of the road, beeping and flashing his lights.. Made it through the round about, rolled and slid up the hill toward the rsl… My mates photo made front page of the telegraph.. He was one of the first there… So sad that 2 people died, and you gota feel for the truck driver…  They closed Mona vale rd off pretty quickly..

Yeh i drive through there at least twice a day… wont be driving that way any more! Its the second big truck crash there (that i know of), last one took out a house with people in it, luckily no deaths that time.

I dont think they have announced who passed away yet, called everyone i could think of after it happened. Truck driver is really lucky.

Some traidies were on the scene and helped block off the road till the coppers showed up (almost running over people when they did).


Crap!!!!!  big surprise

Mate, Some Truckies are fuckin hopeless drivers these days!!!!!

Where I work, there’s at least 1 truck that’s rolled over goin too fast around the bends!!!!!

And I’m talkin Semi’s and B Doubles!!!!!

A lot of them sit in both lanes on the Freeways, and heaps of them speed!!!!!

* Edited to “Some” as there are lots of good ones!!!!!


Orphinz the first crash killed a likttle girl who was hanging decorations in her house when the truck smashed straight through it.  Way too many trucks use it and it’s single lane.


I agree Mizu, heaps of good ones out there but the bad ones deserve the fines and gaol time they are punished with.
Tj, 200% on the money!

I drive heaps; done an honest 1mil km’s, mostly on fwy/hwy - been in 4 accidents, 2 of them were caused by trucks. But avoided what must be hundreds.
Only 2 weeks ago was lucky to escape a 100kmh pile up after a truck decided to change lanes on the m2, directly into 5 cars (I was one of them) if not for the quick thinking drivers ability to synchronise two lanes of traffic (the 5 cars were across 2 lanes) in a what looked like a co-ordinated stunt - we all swerved, broke and avoided the collision - the trucker remained oblivious.
The next day (again on m2) I saw the same thing happen only the truck caused the car to roll (at 100kmh).

My biggest pain is on a 4 lane motorway, signposted at 110 why do trucks get in the far right!
I understand the need to use clean air to regulate engine temps etc. (I grew up around truckers) but that’s just inconsiderate.

It’s the same with cars, bikes, planes etc - some should not EVER be given a license.

That fire would have been pretty hot, having witnessed a car fire myself the heat is intense. Only 3 dead is pretty lucky. Sad but lucky.

NBG - 02 October 2013 08:37 PM

Orphinz the first crash killed a likttle girl who was hanging decorations in her house when the truck smashed straight through it.  Way too many trucks use it and it’s single lane.


I was a kid at the time and my grandparents told me no one was hurt :|

I agree, the decline along with being a single lane, there should be no way they send 18t trucks down it.


I do a lot of driving, more than your average at any rate, in this car I’ve done 20,000kms in a bit over 3 months, my previous car I put on 70,000kms in 20 months and the car before that 130,000kms in 3.5 years.  Out of all that driving I have seen some incredibly stupid and inconsiderate things on the road.

Trucks in the right hand lane for kms at a time while they struggle to overtake another a truck is a pet hate as is L platers on the stretch between Canberra and Jindabyne.  Interesting that truck engineering is so shit as to need to get “clean air” into the intercoolers and radiator to avoid overheating issues.  I really find that difficult to believe as a real reason for a truck built after 1990 to sit in the right hand lane.  Other pet hates are anything on two wheels, especially those without an engine, FCUK OFF already, you’re not in the Tour De Anything so get off the road in peak hour.

The other two wheel variety and the constant need to drive between cars at the lights really erks me, I’ve seen on more than one occasion the biker hit a car on the way through and speed off.  On the way back from the snow on my last weekend I thought I was about to get a front row seat to a fatality as 4 bikers went screaming up the side of a car train on the wrong side of the road on double yellows on a bend at what I would estimate at about 150kmh.  When cars did come the other way they would squeeze into any gap they could find causing brake light chaos for the cars before pulling out and resuming their temporary citizen behaviour.

I totally understand what TJ is talking about with people ducking into spaces in front of trucks pulling up to a red light, you’re really playing with fire doing that.  I sometimes wonder about trucks and the speed limiter thing, I usually base my speed on the hwy via GPS not the speedo and have been overtaken by trucks whilst doing an indicated 112kmh.  Years ago I had a frightening experience with a truck on the Pacific Hwy between Newcastle and Forster, being overtaken by a fully loaded semi while doing 120kmh on a single lane hwy multiple times was interesting to say the least.  On every uphill he would struggle to do 80kmh so I’d overtake only to have him come screaming past on every downhill section.

Rant over I guess but I’ve always liked this picture.



F*ck cyclists. I don’t play footy on the freeway so don’t ride your bike. Go to a bike track, or a less crowded road out of peak times.

Or get an exercise bike.

StamfordKid - 03 October 2013 09:57 AM


F*ck cyclists. I don’t play footy on the freeway so don’t ride your bike. Go to a bike track, or a less crowded road out of peak times.

Or get an exercise bike.

To be fair, you don’t play footy going 40km/h in a direction to get somewhere.

Bikes are a legitimate form of transportation and good exercise as well. Especially when you live relatively close to the city and therefore catching a train or bus takes 3 times as long!

I have no problems with cyclists. If I’m behind them, I just wait for a safe time to pass.


Lets spend more fcuken monet making bikepaths for “vehicles” that don’t pay rego, the use of which has been reducing rather than increasing and don’t even use them when they are there! Sounds like an excellent use of public funds.  The sooner Clover Moremoneyspentonuselessshit gets run over while cycling the better.  She doesn’t ride but uses a Commcar?  How strange.


The cycleways in the city are always packed…

The suburbs don’t need cycleways, I would advocate a train line out to the northern beaches but we all know they won’t want them anyway.


Saw this on the news. Absolutely tragic. RIP. downer