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GoPro Hero3+ (new GoPro)

Rick0889 - 01 October 2013 09:09 PM

never going to buy another POV camera again!

Im very much of the same opinion, but will probably get one for paddling

K2_TeacherBoy - 01 October 2013 09:16 PM
Rick0889 - 01 October 2013 09:09 PM

never going to buy another POV camera again!

Im very much of the same opinion, but will probably get one for paddling

I just think they are getting too good for what they actually are, i dont even know if that makes sense but haha



I know what you mean. Your paying through the roof for all these specs but how many people actually know what they mean and have the knowledge to utilise the epic specs.

I only want one ( wont get anything expensive) for a bit of footage. Most Ill film from the banks, and just throw in occasional pov or 3rd person views


Those comments are why im looking at the rig for the dslr! I want to be able to physically play with the camera, (zoom, focusing, ev lighting etc, instead of scrolling through menus, )

and i have the dslrs already should make more use of them, (don’t get me wrong i use the gopro HEAPS and there are places the gopro can go and be an inexpensive (compared to a dslr) alternative, eg, snorkelling.. (in saying that i would love a waterproof housing for my dslr.. But i could have 6-7 gopro black’s for that price..)

K2_TeacherBoy - 01 October 2013 09:43 PM

I know what you mean. Your paying through the roof for all these specs but how many people actually know what they mean and have the knowledge to utilise the epic specs.

agreed and computer power and knowledge comes into this, too.

same goes for all the squillion people with DSLR’s as well….no point hating though. Whatever hobby it is there will always be people with all the gear and no idea.


GoPro seem to be the only ones that make a unit that has way too many features that POV require, features that are near impossible to use in the intended environment.

POVcams should be simple, cheap, tough and practical - GoPro no longer meet any of those criteria.
But consumers will still buy them.


Having done quite a bit of filming now with POV cameras they certainly do have their shortcomings but like everything in life there are compromises.  I can fit my POV cam attached to it’s pole in my snowboard pants pocket.  The pole extends from 20cms to over 60cms and I’m happy to ride with no inconvenience with it in my pocket all day happy in the knowledge that even if I have a fcuk up it’s not going to break, even if it’s a monumental one.  Not sure that can be said for a DSLR.

With that said POV are pretty useless for follow cam stuff unless the follower can stay tight and knows what they are doing.  I have so much follow cam footage which is fcuken useless unless you like watching ants.  In a surfing environment it’s both easier and harder to shoot with, easier in that th distances aren’t usually so great, harder in that water is a moving medium and positioning can be a lot harder.

POV cameras are good for POV, nothing beats them and an acceptable level of footage can be shot using them in other ways that the sheer ease of use to get those shots outweighs for many people the added hassle and expense of a DSLR or other rig.

People need to get out there and use the cameras themselves and through trial and error will get an idea of what will look good when you’re trying to edit it.  My take home message for this is when using a POV cam for anything other than POV, generally speaking there is no such thing as too close.

Edit can someone tell me why when I post it’s cutting words in half and putting them on diff lines?


yeah that line cutting crap is very annoying


It’s a known issue, they are looking into it.

Agreed on the camera issues. Hence why I am normally the one to hold the camera and get in pretty close.

We will see what sort of footage I can get in Canada but if someone has a better camera, my go-pro 1 will likely not leave my room lol.


Well for my money GoPro has hit the nail on the head.  They have made the cam smaller and lighter, improved the image quality and battery life.  Agreed, it is overkill for most punters but I’m a sucker for image quality, and smaller and lighter is a major plus.  The only significant negative is the price.


Yeah, as withe everything newest/latest/greatest in the Tech world, it will always be the most expensive!!!!!

Do you really need it????? Do you really want it?????

Doesn’t really matter if you have the coin to spend on it!!!!!

And if ya don’t, GoPro still have plenty of options that do a great job anyways!!!!!

I’m still on my GoPro HD, and I see no reason to upgrade yet, but if it was to shit itself, I reckon I’d go the new 3+!!!!!

And as for Follow Cam, you can always keep the camera on the pole but just turn it around, and also shoot in a higher quality, so you can zoom in when editing without the image losin too much!!!!!

spaz - 01 October 2013 07:17 PM

Silver 3+ is only $10 cheaper than the current GPH3b (but a wiser purchase if you’re a GoPro fanatic).

3+ Silver or 3 Black is a better purchase?

Not that I’ll get either but your comment there is a bit confusing…


Mizu by follow cam I mean having someone follow someone else especially somewhere like the park.  Follow cam with a pole behind you is a nightmare when trying to hit jumps yourself, not really feasible if you’re trying to spin. 

I think next year if I do the follow cam thing again I might change the FOV from 170 to 120, should make a fair difference.  For one reason or another, cropping to zoom in editing software never looks good, you can’t crop much before it starts to seriously effect the quality.  Might be the software I use or not I’m not sure but I really like crisp images and softness and crop blur is really unappealing to me.

spaz - 01 October 2013 07:50 PM
surferguy56 - 01 October 2013 05:46 PM
Mudhoney - 01 October 2013 05:39 PM

want, but not at that price.

As im go pro-less, id consider shelling out for the shiny new 3+

Looks dandy! Good work aint cheap and cheap work aint good!  shred

That philosophy doesn’t ring true for GoPro. Yep, they are a pretty good camera but the price doesn’t reflect the quality, service or usability.
You should investigate other options before forking over your money.

But in that regard I will take GoPro-less peoples money if they want a GoPro.
But be warned;
The 3+ isn’t yet available. Pricing may change. And I’ll try to convince you of more practical brands that have proven their worth.

Wow me Spaz!! wink


Have a look through Photography/Filming forum main page.
There are some threads on DriftHDGhost, and ReplayXD.
While there; start a thread with some specifics in regard to what you’ll use it for, what you want/need.

For “wow” purposes:
I can set you up with a broadcast quality POV cam, with mounting hardware and SDcard from $170.